297 examples of some water in sentences

When the teams came up we obtained some water and bandages with which to dress Wood's wound, which had become quite inflamed and painful, and we then put him into one of the wagons.

and he took out his rag of a handkerchief, got some water in a tin cup, and the eyes were bathed and bandaged.

Madame, meanwhile, had dashed some water into the face of the unconscious Juliemuch to the detriment of her complexion!watched her a moment, then stood erect and lowered her veil.

Then he can come and bring you some water.

Patsy ran for some water.

After walking less than an hour, he determined to stop at a small house near the road, for rest, and some water to quench his thirst; but as he approached, the baying hounds, no less than the squalid children about the door, repelled him, and he went on to the next house.

Come on and let's get some water-cress.

A mile or two further, and another horse, Bob, was knocked up and left behind, having also had some water given him.

And now, the mighty power of the Giant is shown, for Markeda advances to the kettle, and taking some water out of it he throws it upon his bare back, singing all the while, "The water is cold.

Their ludicrous efforts then to jump over some water-pots, and run to a thorny bush, raised tumultuous peals of laughter.

John and Peter poured some water on his hands, which he held over the plate on which the azymous loaves had been placed; then he took a little of the water which had been poured on his hands, in the spoon that he had taken out of the lower part of the chalice, and poured it on theirs.

He had seen many that no other emperor had even set eyes upon, and he assisted practically all of them, giving to some water, to others harbors, or food, or public works, or money, and to still others various honors.

Grease a bit of the board and then hold the flame of the lamp on it, and, when it gets too lively, heave some water on and put it out and begin again.

One day, as they were riding along by the side of a brook, the princess began to feel very thirsty, and said to her maid, "Pray get down and fetch me some water in my golden cup out of yonder brook, for I want to drink."

She went inside and got him a few drops of oil and warmed some water for his bath, and then gave him one of the tiny loaves to eat.

The Toff: Well, get me some water.

The tears rolled down my cheeks; but having ascertained that my parents had not yet returned, I cut short the gossip of the servants, and ordering them to bring me some water, I arranged my disordered dress for a visit to the sufferer's apartment.

One of you run for some water; quick, ye musty rogues: will ye have your throats cut?

Then his wife said that she must fetch some water, and she went off with the water pot.

Give me some water, someone.

Supposing you were to drink some water, dear friend?

He related that he had once seen a very handsome young woman, to whom a number of heads had been delivered, swimming about in some water, and playing with them.

I lifted him, holding him up, while somebody got some water.

Myself and the women had to mend the harness considerably, and Arcane and his ox went back for some water, while Rogers and Bennett took the shovel and went ahead about a mile to cover up the body of Capt. Culverwell, for some of the party feared the cattle might be terrified at seeing it.

" "It would be very dull if they did," said Marie, who was polishing some water-bottles with more diligence than was usual or even necessary.

297 examples of  some water  in sentences