Do we say some way or someway

some way 1616 occurrences

Some way I will contrive to speak with him, for he has lost his old wont if he traverse not the Street where you live: but see Donna Clara.

He had rejoiced in his battle with the men who had threatened Gloria with worse than death, rejoiced that in some way he might make reparation.

To stand there and breathe full and laugh aloudthat was my prayer of gratitude; nor did I lack the presence of mind to hope that, in ascending, it might in some way advantage the soul of J. Rodney Potts, that humble tool with which the gods had wrought such wonders.

And if it wouldn't be the worst of form to bet, I'd bet that he found some way of getting there in time to see that I had told the truth.

Isn't there some way of getting to Rockford without going all the way back to the fork?

Clearly, then, in some way or other, you must pick and choose, you must reject some enterprises as insufficiently worth while.

Two thousand pounds would go some way to making Ashness a model farm, while it was plain that Adam might lose the money he had hinted he meant to leave Kit.

But he was not, in any strict sense of the word, a Pantheist, though he regarded the Logos as an emanation from the Eternal, and the kosmos, the ordered world, as in some way emanating from the Logos.

And now that in some way I can make Folks understand me, I only hope that my young steamer friend, among others, will see and enjoy Lord Dolphin's story.

And it startled me, I think because in some way it seemed like my Shadow materializedas though the dark horror that was rising everywhere from house and garden, then settling back so thickly yet so imperceptibly upon us all, were incarnated in that whirring creature that passed between the daylight and the coming night.

For weeks we had read and spoken of one thing onlythe Warand now we were to see it for ourselves, we were even in some way to be a part of it.

Do you understand?in some way.

But you can't stand there all night with your Winchester p'inted at me, and bime-by I'll git tired; can't we fix the matter up some way?" "Fred," said Sterry, with the same coolness shown from the first, "slip through the door; you know where your gun is; stoop a little, so I won't have to shift my aim; when that is done we'll talk about compromise.

I'm afraid you'll hurthim some way.

One of his uncles was a congressman and another was in some way connected with railroads.

There isthere must be some way to learn.

An air of rest and peace seemed in some way to be all about him.

He tried to finish in some way or other, to end his speech as soon as possible.

This danger indeed startled not only my partner, but likewise all the ship's company; so we changed our former resolution, and resolved to go to the coast of Tonquin, and so to that of China, where, pursuing our first design as to trade, we might likewise have an opportunity to dispose of the ship some way or other, and to return to Bengal in any country vessel we could procure.

Of the various etymologies of this name, only one is given in the text; but most of the others in some way identify him with Vulcan.

The red leader had come upon his trail in some way, and, venomous from so many failures, would follow now for days in an effort to take him.

Their outlines, however, Spinrobin claims, altered very slowly, wavering like the distorted reflections seen in moving water, and unquestionably obeying in some way the pitch and volume of the sound that continued to pour its resonant tide about the room.

Some way, his brief explanation had merely served to confirm her previous opinion that the captain had been the one injuredsuch an impression she could have derived only from Le Gaire.

In some way it fell to the Frenchmen to go.

Rosey, suddenly conscious that she was in some way participating in the ridicule of her father through his unhappy gift, became embarrassed.

someway 52 occurrences

While away from home I had someway come into possession of a very small pocket dagger, which I had carried about with me in its sheath, using it in place of a knife.

"Someway, I have a feeling that you haven't carried off the honors yet.

"I suppose I'm a fool," he muttered to himself, "but someway I couldn't help it.

"That sounds true,but someway it can't be," said Ivra.

Mebbe you marked 'em someway so't you know which to unpack first?

I'll find someway of getting hold of it then.

Yet, truly it had been a wondrous suit of strength that had kept my life within me when that I had been so deadly beset; and I to know that it to be yet like to save both our lives, if that we could someway straighten it, and ease the broken jags from wounding me afresh.

No one spoke, but the scuffle of wooden-shod feet on the flags made a sliding, slithering sound, which someway carried a message of warning more forcible than any shouted word or sudden shriek.

Someway I knew that none of the others saw what I was seeing.

I guess I hit it someway just now against the table.

Someway you couldn't shoot into that smile and that glint, which was sort of saying, 'Go ahead!

If things get worse and I've got something to go on and we need you, I'm going to telegraph just as I said I would; because, Jack, though you're worth a lot of millions, someway we feel you're one of us.

This Man, whom I have missed for some Years in my Walks, and have heard was someway employed about the Army, made it a Maxim, That good Wigs, delicate Linen, and a chearful Air, were to a poor Dependent the same that working Tools are to a poor Artificer.

If he was in Ireland now the pension would go someway right.

And it was a significant fact that his sense of intimate relationship with the wolf, Fenris, Was someway lessened.

But it's hard find a thing would be suitable, unless you might dress it up again someway fresh.

I wrote rapidly, utterly ignoring her conversation with Hardy, yet someway conscious that Le Gaire sought to join in, and was answered in a single swift sentence, the girl not even turning to glance at him.

Someway they fascinated me, and I watched while he took them up and fondled them.

Someway I couldn't make myself talk about it, Billie; that's all.

This Man, whom I have missed for some Years in my Walks, and have heard was someway employed about the Army, made it a Maxim, That good Wigs, delicate Linen, and a chearful Air, were to a poor Dependent the same that working Tools are to a poor Artificer.

Ordinary country sore eyes that someway refused to get well; a journey through dust and heat to a distant shrine of healing; numberless circlings of the temple according to orthodox Hindu rites; then a return home to order from the village jeweller two solid silver eyeballs as offerings to the deity of the shrine.

I knew that someway, somehow, Jack would straighten everything out for me.

Here was a good chance for undisturbed meditation and someway I could not get around doing a little meditating as I added a new bit of fuel now and then to the small fire burning at my side.

He dreaded to get back into the harness of a prosaic existence; even his profession as a civil engineer had someway lost its charm.

But you wasn't there, and so I naturally jumped to the conclusion you must have got aboard someway.

Do we say   some way   or  someway