Do we say somebody or someone

somebody 4323 occurrences

And yet, if I had been there, the cleverest thief in Paris, if not in the world, would be safe behind those chrome-nickle steel bars at the Twenty-third Street station, instead of at liberty to go ahead and rob somebody else.

becaze Pap he has to have somebody to do for him, an' he'd just about tear up the ground if I was to name sech a thing.

"Somebody's got to take care of you-all, and I just love to be the one." Laurella Consadine, commonly called in mountain fashion by her maiden name of Laurella Passmore, scrambled to her feet and tossed the dark curls out of her eyes.

How do you reckon I made out before you was born, you great big somebody?

Miz Bence, she cain't come down this morningyou'll have to git somebody to tend her looms till noon; Pap, he's sick, and she has obliged to wait on himso I brung the new gal.

There was more than one kindly greeting for the new hand, and occasionally somebody clapped her on the shoulder and assured her that a few days more would get her used to the work.

You see the children haven't had any schooling yet, andwell, I'm a great, big, stout somebody, and it looks like I'm the one to work in the mill.

"I'm goin' to earn my way and send for Mother and the children, if hard work'll do it; but I'm a mighty big, stout, healthy somebody, and I aim to keep so.

I don't want it layin' round for somebody to get hold of andyou find me that other strip.

"We need somebody of intelligence here.

Somebody's got to earn the money.

the preacher asked Zack in a kind of whisper, when he looked at that thar snaggle-toothed, cross-eyed somebody that Shalliday'd fetched back.

As for change, let somebody change my circumstances.

As a banker, at least, he was certainly out of balance; while as a promenader, it seemed to those who watched him that his ruling idea had now veered about, and that of late he was ever on the quiet alert, not to find, but to evade, somebody.

"My better judgment says you were all kinds of a somebody for not clinching the nail when you had it so well driven home.

" "Somebody go after him," suggested Ormsby, flipping a coin; and a boy started on a run.

Then: "Drop the board on the mail, quick! and send somebody to tell Tischer to side-track, leaving the main line Western Division clear.

Somebody sent in a note, and he positively ran to get out.

What did the unimpeachable Rogers see?" "He saw on a large scale just what I had seen on a small one: somebody pup-passed a note in, and when it had gone the round of the dinner-table those fellows tumbled over each other trying to get away.

I feel as if I had never really lived before this night; the only thing that troubles me is the fear that somebody or something will get in the way of my demented engineer.

Hawk went off ripping; swore he would find somebody who wasn't afraid to take the wires.

I wonder somebody hasn't done it before this.

" "Then we can't stop unless somebody throws us on a siding!"

"If you answer his letter from my house to please yourself, you'll write your next from somebody else's to please me.

Somebody Has Got Into the House People remarked that the Judge was in the vapours.

someone 1876 occurrences

"He just cared more for someone else.

Someone leaned on his horn and passed him, too close.

I was still looking at it in open-eyed wonder when my mother, coming out of the parlor into the hallway, called me and said there was someone inside who wanted to see me.

She could no longer direct her work, and under the expense of medicines, doctors, and someone to look after her our college fund began to diminish rapidly.

"I hear someone squealing," said Wuff-Wuff, the largest boy pig of them all.

"Someone is helping him make it, I'm sure.

"Maybe the big bull has gotten loose from his field, and is chasing someone with a red dress.

They raced around the pen, playing a game much like our game of tag, and if they could have had someone to tie a hand-kerchief over their eyes, they might have played blind-man's buff.

someone cried, and Squinty, and his brothers and sisters, looking up, saw, over the edge of the pen, some boys and girls looking down on them.

Out of that silence he thought after a second that he caught the sound of a hurried breathing, louder and louder, as though someone were creeping upon him.

"After all, they might as well lose it to you as to someone else.

She liked to decide things for herself, and choose what she would do; but Mrs. Burton always needed someone to lean upon and to settle momentous questions for her.

" Katherine had a sensation that was almost akin to what she would have felt if someone had dashed a bucket of ice-cold water in her face.

Well, one dreadful day someone stole Caesar.

Of Theo's hints he was speaking to Rose as they sat together at breakfast, and she had answered, "It will be a splendid match," when the doorbell rang, and the servant announced, "A lady in the parlor, who asks for Mr. Warner." "I told you someone would come," said Rose.

We did not examine it then, for someone might have come along, and we might have been accused of the chap's murder; so I shoved it into the inside pocket of my shirt, and we went on.

That evening I had been out by myself, which I did not often do, for we in general went about together, and was going back along that street, and was pretty nigh home, when someone said in Spanish, 'That is the fellow,' and then five men jumped out with knives in their hands.

But why shouldn't I?" "Because if the sun were to flash on the glass or brasswork, it would be sartin to catch the eye of someone in the village, and if it did you may be sure they would send up to see what it was.

"Let's go out and ask them what's up," suggested someone.

I've watched you in church many a time when I ought to have been saying my prayers, and so has someone else I know.

"Someone said you were in the States.

He wants someone strong to stand by.

The mother tooshe wants someone to lean on.

"There is someone in the entry, dear child," whispered Mrs. Errol.

But before she reached the door it opened and someone entered.

Do we say   somebody   or  someone