32 examples of someday in sentences

But I fear that someday you may let the secret slip.

And to tell you that someday he will meet you again and it will be a different story.

"I wish to go back home," and "I wish to come back to Oz someday for a visit."

"Someday," he said slowly, speaking entirely to himself.

"Somedaymaybe!" What he expected from Bull "someday" remained unknown.

That's easy, and it'll do what you'll want to do someday.

But someday he might be able to find the terrible little man and bring him back to a truer place in society.

DIBDIN Friday, someday in June, 1826.

You hang on to it, maybe it will be worth something, someday.

Someday, years of balmy weather would be violently interrupted.

"Ideally, the list would interact with other programs someday.

" "Do you think you'll have kids, someday?"

"Someday, you should find your father.

For Catherine, someday in a quiet hour, wondering what is possible When I hold your mother while she holds me, all that was, is; the future comes moment to moment, complete.

Soldiers said just wait; someday the Confederate money wouldn't be any good and greenbacks would be all the money we had.

"I think we'll be back someday," replied Zip.

Someday he'll come along.

Someday you'll be sorry.

Someday I'll find you.

Guidebook for Social studies, book C: Someday soon.

Someday he'll come along.

Someday you'll be sorry.

Someday I'll find you.

Guidebook for Social studies, book C: Someday soon.

"I hope that someday you willforgive me.

32 examples of  someday  in sentences