Do we say someplace or some place

someplace 5 occurrences

Could she have locked him away in a torture chamber someplace?

"I know that you are out here someplace!

Would it not be better, always to avoid both, by saying, in their stead, "In some way or other,""In someplace or other?"

Mr. Capra goes someplace.

Mr. Capra goes someplace.

some place 423 occurrences

Whereupon another night, by the King's warrant renewed, their bodies were removed by the priest of the Tower, and buried by him in some place which, by means of the priest's death soon after, could not be known.

And they are themselves so conscious of this truthfor I am not going to conceal from you what I have heardthat they are discouraged at what has already happened and despair of saving their lives if they stay where they are, and they are therefore endeavouring to make their escape to some place or other, and are making this sally, not with the desire to give battle, but in expectation of flight.

'The man so busy about addresses is neither more nor less than our own Boswell, who had come as far as York towards London, but turned back on the dissolution, and is said now to stand for some place.

It is requested (said the note) that the various old Spanish and Indian curiosities, which came out of the Santarem collection, and which are consigned to Prontfoot & Neuman of Oxford Street, London, should be put in some place where there may be no danger of these very valuable and unique articles being injured or tampered with.

And abruptly it sounded away on our right, and immediately was caught up, as it were, and echoed back from some place beyond us afar up the creek.

At some place through which a repeal-association was to pass (I forget its name) the repealers of the place set up a triumphal arch.

somewhere, in some place, wherever it may be, here and there, in various places, passim.

And yet 'tis said he did not, therefore I think he must have stowed it safe in some place where afterwards he could not get at it.

And in this second assault Sir Launcelot and the three knights who were with him overthrew eleven knights besides the King of North Wales, wherefore all that part of the press began to break away from them and to seek some place where they could defend themselves from such another assault.

"What, run away!""No, not exactly; only find some place of safety!""Well, if it comes to that," I replied, "you may do just as you like; only I warn you that the passage is occupied by a hundred of our men, and that all the outlets are barricaded.

It thrilled the idler to find that there was some place where he could be of service; that there was some one definite thing that others thought he could do well!"

I called to see Secretary Toucey for the purpose of asking him to put me in the way of finding some place for Charles, but, after sending in my card and waiting in the anteroom for half to three fourths of an hour, he took no notice of my card, just left his room, passed by deliberately the open door of the anteroom without speaking to me, and left the building.

I called the taxicabI told him to drive me to some place on East End Avenuegave him some address which I knew was a long distance awayso that I would have time to learn if he was deadand if he wasn't, to get him to a doctor's; and if he was, to find the checkthe finding of which in his pocket would have connected me with the affair.

I wish to find some place to settle down in for life, where I shall not labour under as many disadvantages as I must struggle against in the South.

" Clara looked at her suspiciously and Katie hastened to add that she brought him because she wanted to pay ten thousand francs on account and she thought Clara might want to get the disagreeable business all settled up at once so she could hurry on to Nice before those friends of hers got over to Algiers, or some place where Clara might not be able to go after them.

If they catch any negroes during the night without a pass, they are immediately seized and hurried away to the guard-house, or if in the country to some place of confinement, where they are kept until nine o'clock, A.M., the next day, if not called for by that time, they are hurried off to jail, and there remain until called for by their master and his jail and guard house fees paid.

By the act of 1792 the electors chosen in each state are required to assemble on the first Wednesday in December at some place in the state which is designated by the legislature.

Brave and confident, the rustlers were ardent for the opportunity, while Capt. Asbury and his men were equally eager to come upon some place which would do something toward equalizing the strength of the combatants.

I should think it would be at some well-known place that the maker of this map began; some place that he knew he could find again without difficulty.

" "Well, father," answered the youth, "I do not care much about the ducking I have had, provided you will direct me to some place where I can have my clothes dried, for it is my only suit, and I must keep it somewhat decent.

'Well,' she said, 'if we keep moving, we're bound at last to get near land, or to some place where ships would pass near us.'

"Since the death of that blessed Beatrice who lives in heaven with the angels, and on earth with my soul, the star of Venus had twice shone in the different seasons, as the star of morning and of evening, when that gentle lady, of whom I have made mention near the close of the "New Life," first appeared before my eyes accompanied by Love, and gained some place in my mind. ...

They might carry him to some place of shelter surely, at once, where a doctor could be summoned, and something done for his relief.

At first, as the water boils, steam will puff out freely from under the cover, but when the water has nearly evaporated, which will be in eight to ten minutes, according to the age and quality of the rice, only a faint suggestion of steam will be observed, and the stewpan must then be removed from over the fire to some place on the range, where it will not burn, to swell and dry for fifteen or twenty minutes.

Signal-Sergeant M'Micking tests the instrument, glances over his shoulder, and observes, "Line BX is gone, some place or other.

Do we say   someplace   or  some place