339 examples of somme in sentences

I was last here ten months before, when my Division was coming back from rest to fight a second time upon the Somme.

In that contree, sum man hathe an 100 wyfes, summe 60, mo, somme lesse.

And of everyche of theise synnes, it behovethe hem to ben schryven of hire prestes, and to paye gret somme of silver for hire penance.

And thei that ben of the lynage of that kyng, arn somme Cristene.

And sinne itt weare such parity in all thinges, Age, mindes, wrecks, bondadge, pursiutes, injuryes Shoold nowe bee separate; the one be freede The t'other left in durance, for the want And pious tender of so smalle a somme.

I will dissemble, as most ritche men doo, Pleade poverty and speake my mayster fayre; By out my freedom for som little somme, And, beeinge myne owne man, by lands and howses; That doon, to sea I'l rigge shipps of myne owne, And synce the sea hathe made mee upp a stocke I'l venter it to sea; who knowes but I

Showe mee the caskett: if before you ope it I do not name you every parcell in't Lett it no more bee myne, mak't your own pryse; But such small trifles as I justly chalenge And cannot yeeld you the least benefitt, Of them let mee bee mystresse, synce they are The somme and crowne of all my future hopes,

One evening, retreating on my own line, I came upon some little villagecan't remember the name just now, but you know the sort of thingtypical Somme hamlet, a smear of brick-dust with a big notice-board on top, saying, 'THIS IS LE SARS,' or 'POZIÈRES,' or whatever its name was.

faut-il encor l'appeler l'homme? L'homme est d'abord monté sur la bête de somme; Puis sur le chariot que portent des essieux; Puis sur la frêle barque au mât ambitieux; Puis quand il a fallu vaincre l'écueil, la lame, L'onde et l'ouragan, l'homme est monté sur la flamme

and, en somme, somewhat ridiculous.

ABBEVILLE (19), a thriving old town on the Somme, 12 m. up, with an interesting house architecture, and a cathedral, unfinished, in the Flamboyant style.

SOMME, 1, a river of North France; rises in the department of Aisne, near St. Quentin, and flows 150 m. SW. and NW. to the English Channel; navigable as far as Abbeville.


This is how he explained the battle of the Somme.

They have been fighting the British, and they find that so ignorant are the British of warfare that the British soldiers on the Somme refuse to surrender, not knowing that they are really beaten, with the result that terrible losses are inflicted upon our brave troops.

The daily reports of the General Staff have been excellent, with a few notable exceptions such as the Battle of the Marne and the Battle of the Somme.

When the Russians were smashing the Austrians in the East, while the British and French were making important gains and inflicting much more important losses on the Somme, the old reliable headlineTERRIBLE RUSSIAN LOSSESwas used until it was worn threadbare.

After the Battle of the Somme opened, the German newspapers used to print extracts from the London papers in which British correspondents vividly described how their own men were mown down by German machine-guns after they had passed them, so well was the enemy entrenched.

The eldest son, who was just back from the Somme trenches, suffering from slight shell-shock, brought home a copy of a London illustrated paper, which had been thrown across the trenches by the English.

They follow the war very closely after their own method, and believe that any defeats, such as on the Somme or Verdun, are tactical rearrangements of positions, dictated by the wisdom of the General Staff, and so long as no Allied troops are upon German soil so long will the German populace believe in the invincibility of its army.

You will grasp also the German fear, real as well as pretended, that the battle of the Somme may one day be accompanied by a thrust at the real heart of Germany, which, is WestphaliaWestphalia with its coal and iron and millions of trained factory hands.

It is important to relate that since the beginning of the battle of the Somme there is, if I was correctly informed, a marked improvement in the condition of English prisoners all over Germanynot as regards food supplied by the authorities, because the food squeeze naturally affects the prisoners as it does their guardians, but in other ways.

In addition to the British capturing numbers of German hostages on the Somme to hold against the treatment of their men in Germany, I think I may claim without undue pride that much good work has been done by the American Ambassador and his staff of attaches, who work as sedulously on behalf of the prisoners as though those prisoners had been American.

je la connois; elle vous met fort en état de supporter le retranchement d'une aussi misérable somme que celle dont il s'agit, et qui ne peut jamais être que mal acquise.

Ne vous ai-je pas dit que j'ai justement la moitié de cette somme- toute prête?

339 examples of  somme  in sentences