7 examples of sonic in sentences

No news shall be spoken of, later than the drifting ashore, on the northern coast, of sonic stern-post or figure-head, a barnacled fragment of one of the great galleons of the Spanish Armada.

Raul had barely opened the door when we heard the sonics of a resounding slap across the face.

Her voice is clear, deep and thrilling, and like sonic grand strain of music, there is power and meaning in its slightest modulations.

The Songs of insects; with related material on the production propagation, detection, and measurement of sonic and <pb id='005.png' /> supersonic vibrations.

The Songs of insects; with related material on the production propagation, detection, and measurement of sonic and <pb id='005.png' /> supersonic vibrations.

sonic system, connects him with his creative and formative power.

Ther' are critters so base thet they want it explained Jes' wut is the totle amount thet we've gained, Ez ef we could maysure stupenjious events By the low Yankee stan'ard o' dollars an' cents: They seem to forgit, thet, sence last year revolved, We've succeeded in gittin' seceshed an' dissolved, An' thet no one can't hope to git thru dissolootion 'Thout sonic kin' o' strain on the best Constitootion.

7 examples of  sonic  in sentences