22 examples of sope in sentences

President RANSOM told me, that a fat man's wife invented the fassets, so as to save sope grease.

"One fat man in hot weather," said Mister RANSOM, "will furnish grease enuff, in the summer time, to keep his family in soft sope the year around, besides supplyin' two or three daily papers with a lot.

Woman in her natural element, is jest one of the soothinest institutions in this ere land, which flows with milk-punch and houey-sope, and what poor miserable critters man would be without her.

for He is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's sope.

Tis something clammy,now,oh, tis sope!

Sope? give a man leave to wash his mouth.

Touching your selfe, your [sicKTH] are to cause to be employed fifty or threescore ducats, videlicet, twenty in Sope, and the rest in Spices, whereof the most part to be Pepper, whereof we spend very much.

The Spices are to be prouided by our friend William Barrat, and the Sope buy you at your first arriuall, for that this shippe lading the same commodity will cause it to amount in price.

For 4 dishes raisins, and 20 pounds sope, med. 35.

For 3 platters of raisins, and 15 pounds of sope, med.

per barke For 4 dishes raisins, and 20 pounds of sope, med.

For 2 dishes raisins, and 10 pound of sope, med.

For 4 dishes of raisins and 20 pound of sope, med.

For 2 dishes raisins, and 10 pound of sope, med.

For 2 dishes raisins, and 20 pound of sope, med.

For 4 platters raisins, and 20 pound of sope, med.

For 3 dishes raisins, and 20 pound of sope, med.

It is no onusual thing for the citezins of Pittsburg to carry along with them a basin of water, sope, towels, &c.; and when a person stops to shake hands with 'em, wash their faces, so as to be sure they haint associatin with a reglar descendant of HAM.

and odde ducats, and amber for foure hundreth ducates, and some sope and broken glasse, with all other small trifles, all which things I hope will serue very wel for those places that wee shall goe vnto.

In the riuer of Euphrates from Birra to Felugia there be certaine places where you pay custome, so many Medines for a some or Camels lading, and certaine raysons and sope, which is for the sonnes of Aborise, which is Lord of the Arabians and all that great desert, and hath some villages vpon the riuer.

Ye have no more spirit than three sleepy sopes.

Never more will I despise your learning, never more pin cards and cony tails upon your Cassock, never again reproach your reverend nightcap, and call it by the mangie name of murrin, never your reverend person more, and say, you look like one of Baals Priests in a hanging, never again when you say grace laugh at you, nor put you out at prayers: never cramp you more, nor when you ride, get Sope and Thistles for you.

22 examples of  sope  in sentences