24575 examples of sorting in sentences

What would leading lawyers and doctors do, I wonder, if they were asked, as busy women often have been, to spend a precious morning in a church-room sorting cast-off clothes?

" He stood staring down at his big, shuffling feet, laboriously sorting in his own mind such phrases as it might do to use.

In the story of Psyche that Apuleius inserted at the end of the second century A.D., in the romance of Metamorphoses, we read that Venus imposed on Psyche, among other trials, that of sorting out and placing in separate jars the grains of wheat, oats, millet and poppy pease, lentils and lima beans which she had mixed together.

[Illustration] The following day, Graham's mother was sorting the boy's dirty clothes for the wash when she noticed an ink stain on his shirt pocket.

The way they make this bread is as follows:From large round panniers filled with wheat they take out a handful at a time, sorting it most carefully and expeditiously, and throwing every defective grain into another basket.

"What a sorting up there would be of our places in life," she declared, "if we all had just what we deserved!...

A little girl had been watching him from her place at one of the factory windows where she was sorting cans.

Some time passed in sorting the colors, and deciding on the contrasts, and I forgot all about the doll.

Leaving her to this employment, Dawson and I, armed with a knife and bagging hook, betake ourselves to a great store of canes stacked in one corner of the garden, and sorting out those most proper to our purpose, we lopped them all of an equal length, and shouldering as many as we could carried them up to our house.

There one finds another merry group, or a series of groups, receiving and sorting the fragrant loads, papering, packing, boxing.

Then the guardian at the gate, scrutinising and sorting the incoming impressions, will no longer ask, "What use is this to me?"...

And the fourth cried out, "Why should I have all the bother of sorting out all the king's clothes?"

Finally came the striking, sorting and prizing in weather moist enough to make the leaves pliable.

That is to say, we always find, after sorting any large number of such objects in the order (let us suppose) of their lengths, beginning with the shortest and ending with the tallest, and setting them side by side like a long row of park palings between the same limits, their upper outline will be identical.

I have been sorting my papers and getting ready for the winter work.

So much attention is indeed required in this department that it is found requisite to institute strict superintendence in the sorting or cobbing sheds, in order to prevent as far as practicable any improper diminution of the ores.

After the letters are collected, the sorting for the place of destination follows, and Fig.

18 represents the sorting room in the Berlin Post Office.

Color form sorting test record form, by Kurt Goldstein & Martin Scheerer.

My Letter shall single out those who take delight in sorting a Company that has something of Burlesque and Ridicule in its Appearance.

If the weather has been bad, count how many stormy days there have been, and rehearse what work could have been done despite the rain, such as washing and pitching the wine vats, cleaning out the barns, sorting the grain, hauling out and composting the manure, cleaning seed, mending the old gear, and making new, mending the smocks and hoods furnished for the hands.

Some of them babble like babies, others are evidently austere scholars; some are gravely bent on the best methods of classifying catalogues, economizing space, and sorting borrowers' cards; others, scorning such mechanical details, bid us regard libraries, and consequently librarians, as the primary factors in human evolution.

What do you think you arean old hag sorting rags?"

Western man was sorting and re-assembling some of the scattered fragments of the defunct and dismembered Roman civilization.

The circle of intent faces broken and shiftingthe silence succeeded by a hundred conversationsDe Caylus leaning back, sipping his wine and chatting over his shoulderthe cards pushed aside, and Dalrymple gravely sorting out little shining columns of Napoleons, and rolls of crisp bank paper!

24575 examples of  sorting  in sentences