86 examples of sotto in sentences

You make it right with me, Lew, and" He cast a quick glance about, grasped at the sides of the table, and leaned toward her, sotto.

"That is," said Mr. Oakhurst, sotto voce to the Innocent, "if you're willing to board us.

The rascal left the compartment, muttering to himself in Arabic sotto voce.

"And touching," said Psmith, "the matter of noise, must this business be conducted in a subdued and sotto voce manner, or may we let ourselves go a bit here and there?"

The indecent word would have been known but for the delicacy or courtliness of Muratori, who substituted an et-cetera in its place, observing, that he had "covered" with it "an indecent word not fit to be printed" ("sotto quell'et-cetera ho io coperta un'indecente parola, che non era lecito di lasciar correre alle stampe."

Fêrsi le nozze sotto all'umil

Videro il mar scoprir sotto a Girona Ne lo smontar giù de i montani dorsi; E, costeggiando a man sinistra il lito, A Barcellona andâr pel camin trito.

Afflitto e stanco al fin cade ne l'erba, E ficca gli occhi al cielo, e non fa motto; Senza cibo e dormir così si serba, Che 'l sole esce tre volte, e torna sotto.

sotto l'arme già sentir gli parve Caldo o fervor come di foco intenso; Ma pur, se fosser vere fiamme o larve, Mal potè giudicar tosto il senso: Perchè repente, appena tocco, sparve Quel simulacro, e giunse un nuvol denso, Che portò notte e verno; e 'l verno ancora E l'ombra dileguossi in picciol'ora.

Mentre che parlan così in cimitero, Un sasso par che Rondel quasi sgroppi; Che da' giganti giù venne da altro Tanto, ch' e' prese sotto il tetto un salto.

" "Strange attraction there was about that man," says Stangrave, sotto voce to Claude.

(Sotto voce, as Hannah approaches.)

wait till I tell you to," (addressed to the undertaker, who was anticipating the proper place in the service,)"'and is cut down like a flower; he fleeth as it were a shadow,'Please to hold the umbrella a little further over my head," (sotto voce to the man who was endeavoring to protect his head from the sun,)-"'and never continueth in one stay.

(sotto voce again to the man holding the umbrella.)"'In the midst of life we are in death.

" "But he so infrequently sees her," giggled Bambi, sotto voce.

He also spoke sotto voce, as if to himself, and as no one heard his words, the fans of native straw and Chinese turkey feathers were plied incessantly.

Si parturisti sotto la capanna, E dov' mangiav'no lo bue e 1' asinello.

" Man No. 2 at this juncture came in and presented a florist's box and envelope in a tray, saying, sotto voce, as he did so, "Shall I hopen it and arrange them, miss, or will you wear them?"

As these were at no great distance from each other, he stumbled against several legs on his way, and felt pretty sure that they were put out on purpose to trip him, especially by one boy, who, pretending to be much hurt, drew up his leg, and began rubbing it, ejaculating sotto voce, "awkward little fool.

" Sotto voce to her: "Remember, Esther, while I'm gone, the royalties from the Discaphone records are yours.

in fervent sotto voce from Father Brewster.

"Dopo condottosi Tiziano a Vicenza, dipinse a fresco sotto la loggetta ...

"Just full of it," he murmured, sotto voce.

A noi é, pero, men discaro che non sia ai forestieri, in quanta che noi troviamo dentro il movimento, il frassegiare proprio della nostra lingua, e sotto la frase incolta latina, indoviniamo il pensiero nato in italiano che, spogliato da noi della veste imbarazzanta ci ritorna ignudo

My running commentaries, as I readentirely sotto voce, of course, for one does not care to rouse the wrath of a tiger on the crouch, by flinging pebbles in the junglemay give some idea of the impression it made upon me, and the emotions it excited.

86 examples of  sotto  in sentences