2916 examples of soup in sentences

"It's thick as pea soup, captain!" "Aye, aye; I'll be glad when we're out of it I kin tell yer.

And she had toasted the bread golden brown and buttered it, and she had made a delectable vegetable soup!

The soup was served, and Toddie immediately tilted his plate so that part of its contents sought refuge in the folds of Miss Mayton's dainty, snowy dress.

He suggested Little Neck clams first, with chablis, and pea-soup, and caviare on toast, before the oyster crabs, with Johannisberger Cabinet; then an entrée of calves' brains and rice; then no roast, but a bird, cold asparagus with French dressing, Camembert cheese, and Turkish coffee.

He began with a heavy soup, shoved a rich, fat, fried fish over his plate, and followed it with a queer entrée of spaghetti with a tomato dressing that satisfied his hunger and killed his appetite as if with the blow of a lead pipe.

Hot soup, bread, wine, until at last A sense of human brotherhood Obliterates his cruel past; Yet not for long; for though well-fed, With warmer garments than before, He hath no place to lay his head, On turning from my friendly door.

The poorest cottagers knew and benefited by the thoroughly practical and unselfish character of his Christianity, during his residence at Marlow, when he would visit them, and, having gone through a course of study in medicine, in order that he might assist them with his advice, would commonly administer the tonic which such systems usually require,a good basin of broth, or pea-soup.

On cheese and soup she feeds her priceless "Pekie" Stilton and Cheddar, Bortch and Cocky-leekie; And Max, her shrill-voiced "Pom," politely begs For his diurnal dole of new-laid eggs.

He then arose from his hot soup and human flesh, and begged me not to harm him; he had not the money nor goods; the silk clothing and money which were found upon him the previous day and which he then declared belonged to his wife, he now said were the property of others in California.

He said, "Oh, it is too dry eating; the liver and lights were a great deal better, and brains made good soup!"

* Another story Tom Peregrine is fond of reading to us relates how a labouring man was recommended to get some oxtail soup to strengthen him.

It is in fact corn soup, superior to all preparations of pulse, on account of their indigestible qualities.

There was some nice soup, also roast meat, boiled meat, vegetables, pie, and cheese.

They teach our young men to fly kites and eat bird's nest soup.

When he hears that the evening soup is ready, he hurries the pig home, flourishes his stick above his head in imitation of the Arabs, and shouts in his cheeriest voice, 'Oportet manducare!'

I was keenly alive to the exceptional study of human nature presented by this fine specimen of an old rustic priest, who was not the less to be respected because he took a great deal of snuff, hated shaving, wore hob-nailed shoes of the roughest make, and a threadbare, soup-spotted soutane with frayed edges.

The soup was bubbling in the chain pot, and a well-browned fowl was taking its final turns upon the spit.

The first course after the soup was potatoes (sautées); then came barbel from the stream, and afterwards veal and fowl.

The nearest approach to meat there was eggs, excepting, of course, the fat baconquite uneatable in the English fashionwhich is the basis of all the soup made throughout a great part of France.

Jolly apopletic aldermen of our capital may forsake the green fat of their soup-making deity, to be feasted by their Parisian fraternity, without inconvenience to anybody, except it be to their fellow-passengers in the steamer upon their return, if they have been over-fed and have not tempest-tried organs of digestion.

A Fox invited a Stork to dinner, at which the only fare provided was a large flat dish of soup.

" Chapter Seventeen "Poor old Scharnhoff's in the soup.

Poor old Scharnhoff's in the soup!" Quite suddenly after that we reached a fairly wide street and the arched Byzantine gateway of the Haram-es-Sheriff, through which we could see tall cypress trees against the moonlit sky and the dome of the mosque beyond them.

He then falls senseless on the steps of the Asiatic club-house, is recovered by the smell of mulligatawney soup, and moralizes till he perceives "it is possible for a nation to exist in too artificial a state."

They were glad to accept the vegetable soup, rabbit stew and cooked fruit that we had prepared but insisted on paying for their portions, which of course I refused, much to their dismay, and I am certain the servants were well repaid for their trouble.

2916 examples of  soup  in sentences