178 examples of sparke in sentences

No sparke of pitty? King.

Fayre is my Love, when her fayre golden haires With the loose wynd ye waving chance to marke; Fayre, when the rose in her red cheekes appeares, Or in her eyes the fyre of love does sparke; Fayre, when her brest, lyke a rich laden barke, With pretious merchandize

LXXXIII Let not one sparke of filthy lustfull fyre Breake out, that may her sacred peace molest; Ne one light glance of sensuall desyre Attempt to work her gentle mindes unrest:

whose sight cannot sustaine 120 The suns bright beames when he on us doth shyne, But* that their points rebutted** backe againe Are duld, how can we see with feeble eyne The glorie of that Maiestie Divine, In sight of whom both sun and moone are darke, 125 Compared to his least resplendent sparke?

That all about him sheddeth glorious light: Light farre exceeding that bright blazing sparke Which darted is from Titans flaming head, That with his beames enlumineth the darke And dampish air, wherby al things are red*; 165 Whose nature yet so much is marvelled Of mortall wits, that it doth much amaze The greatest wisards** which thereon do gaze.

And that I see in passages of proofe, Time qualifies the sparke and fire of it: [A] Hamlet comes backe: what would you vndertake, To show your selfe your Fathers sonne indeed, [Sidenote: selfe indeede your fathers sonne]

While there was sparke of hope I did maintayne The fight with fiery resolution And (give me leave to speake it) like a Sodier.

None here are jealyous that I brought one sparke To kyndell that ill flame.

Then mysser-like I sought to ope the myne And fynde the treasure, whereuppon I wanne Your inmost frendshipp, which with joy attaynd In seekinge for a sparke I found a flame, Whose rychnes made me admyratyons slave And staggerd me with wonder.

None here are jealyous that I brought one sparke To kyndell that ill flame.

So I bestryde a myne which to my ruyne Wants but a sparke,and farewell, Ganelon!

Nay, then I may beleive you flatter me, But say thou dost and seeme to love me dearelye, For I confess, as freelye as I love, One littell sparke of thee outbuys my kyngdome; And when my kyngdomes gone pray what am I?

Yes, foorsoothe, I will confes my selfe emptye of sence, Dealinge with suche a wyttie sparke as you.

Theres no comparysson: a sparke, sayd I?

If any sparke of life doe yet remayne Ile helpe to fanne it with a nymble hand.

No sparke of life appeares, yet from his eye Me thinks I see a glymmering light breake forth, Which, wanting strength, is like a twilight glimse.

To the people who flocked from far and near to visit him he was very courteous, and he seems to have been particularly pleased with any 'fayre maydes' who visited him, for he would gaze at them with a very earnest countenance, 'as if his phlegmaticke breaste had been touched with a sparke of love.'

Then give me thy Princely goll, which thus I kisse, to whom I crouch and bow; But see my royall sparke, this head-strong swarme that follow me humming like a master Bee, have I led forth their Hives, and being on wing, and in our heady flight, have seazed him shall suffer for thy wrongs.

Harke one of them hath some small sparke of life, To kindle knowledge of their sad mishaps. Allen.

Ah my dread Lord, if any little sparke Of melting pittie doth remaine alive, And not extinguisht by my impious deedes, Oh kindle it unto a happie flame, To light Allenso from this miserie Which through dim death he's like to fall into.

But like a sparke that makes a greater fire?

To ly beneath, since sparke of life appeard; In all which time my care imploide it self To give the[e] rights of buriall: now, if you live, Who so glad as I? Phy.

"Winter is ycomen in, With stormy sadde cheere; In the paddocke, Whistle ruddock, Brighte sparke in the dead yeare.

Duckworth, Rev. Dr. Dufferin, Marchioness of, Marquis of, Duncombe, Thomas, Dundas, Sir David, Eldon, Earl of, Elliot, Dean, Ely, Bishops Browne, Sparke, Turton, and Woodford, of (see those headings).

Labour to keep alive in thy breast, that little sparke of Celestial fire called Conscience, for Conscience to an evil man is a never dying worm, but unto a good man its a perpetual feast.

178 examples of  sparke  in sentences