234 examples of sparta in sentences

Similar revolutions, with a similarly limited purpose and result, occurred at Sparta, Elis, and other Greek cities.

In an aristocratic Greek city, like Sparta, all the members of the ruling class met together and voted in the assembly; in a democratic city, like Athens, all the free citizens met and voted; in each case the assembly was primary and not representative.

The Spartan method of extending its power was conquest without incorporation: when Sparta conquered another Greek city, she sent a harmost to govern it like a tyrant; in other words she virtually enslaved the subject city.

In the century following the death of Alexander, in the closing age of Hellenic independence, the federal idea appears in a much more advanced stage of elaboration, though in a part of Greece which had been held of little account in the great days of Athens and Sparta.

This was well illustrated in the history of Rome,a civic community of the same generic type with Sparta and Athens, but presenting specific differences of the highest importance.

Plutarch tells us that Thucydides, when Archidamus, king of Sparta, asked him, Which was the best wrestler, Pericles or he?

It was men of this stamp that the Grecian States used to ask of Sparta for generals.

With the aid of Sparta, the most warlike of the Grecian States, he advanced to meet the Persian conqueror, not however without the expostulation of some of his wisest counsellors.

Had they combined together for offence and defence, with the assistance of Sparta and Athens, they might have resisted the attacks of both Lydians and Persians.

Corinth, Argos, and Sparta yielded without a blow, but did not escape the doom of vanquished cities.

* * When Agesilaus, king of Sparta, was asked, "What should boys be taught?" he answered, "What they ought to do when they become men."

By this Means Sparta soon became the Mistress of Greece, and famous through the whole World for her Civil and Military Discipline.

In normal circumstances a republican constitution, under which Sparta, Rome, and Venice have achieved greatness, would be the best.

The principle of the Greek world, with its fresh life and delight in beauty, is individuality; hence the plurality of small states, in which Sparta is an anticipation of the Roman spirit.

He alludes to the cotton-trees of India, and describes a cuirass sent from Egypt to the King of Sparta embellished with gold and with fleeces from trees.

Agis, "King of Sparta, who endeavoured to restore his state to greatness by a radical agrarian reform, was after a mock trial murdered in prison, B.C. 241."

On one occasion he entered Sparta by night to suspend a shield from the temple of Pallas.

To abate it the village authorities of Sparta, Georgia, for example, adopted in 1807 an ordinance "that the owner of each and every cotton machine within the limits of said town shall remove before the first day of May in each year all seed and damaged cotton that may be about such machines, or dispose of such seed or cotton so as to prevent its unhealthy putrefaction."

[Footnote 24: Farmer's Gazette (Sparta, Ga.), Jan. 31, 1807.]

" [Footnote 6: Farmer's Gazette (Sparta, Ga.), Aug. 8, 1807, reprinted in Plantation and Frontier, II, 285, 286.]

When the cities ranged themselves in rival camps, and squandered their strength on the struggle for predominance, the historian of the Peloponnesian war could already picture Athens and Sparta in ruins, and the catastrophe began to warp the soul of Plato before he had carried Greek philosophy to its zenith.

Its object was to punish Paris, son of the King of Troy, for eloping with Helen, the wife of Menelaus, King of Sparta, and taking away a shipload of treasures to boot.

They are an age removed from the useful literature and general information of the middle classes in their own countrythey talk familiarly of Sparta and Lacedemon, and have about the same idea of Russia as they have of Caffraria.

As the French are fond of classic examples, I shall not be surprized to see an iron coinage, in imitation of Sparta, though they seem in the way of having one reason less for such a measure than the Spartans had, for they are already in a state to defy corruption; and if they were not, I think a war with England would secure the purity of their morals from being endangered by too much commercial intercourse.

Greene's novel is, indeed, far from being purely pastoral; no more than in Sidney's, to use Professor Herford's happy phrase, are we allowed to forget that Arcadia bordered on Sparta.

234 examples of  sparta  in sentences