244 examples of spartan in sentences

I don't believe Laura guesses for a moment that Dan Dalzell is just as game a fellow as the Spartan boy of olden times.

The Spartan method of extending its power was conquest without incorporation: when Sparta conquered another Greek city, she sent a harmost to govern it like a tyrant; in other words she virtually enslaved the subject city.

The sword, the banner, and the field, Glory and Greece around us see; The Spartan borne upon his shield Was not more free.

But his Spartan fortitude held.

Among the Spartans, the art assumed a Spartan shape, namely, of the sharpest weapon.

Degenerate soldiers guarded the pass where three hundred Spartan heroes had once arrested the Persian hosts, and fled as Alaric approached.

" Foreigners found it difficult to define a quality which differed as much from the composure and self-possession everywhere characteristic of the gentleman as Spartan endurance or Stoical apathy from ordinary fortitude or self-control.

Heaven is kind, as a noble mother; as that Spartan mother, saying, while she gave her son his shield, 'With it, my son, or upon it, thou, too, shalt return home in honourto thy far distant home in honourdoubt it notif in the battle thou keep thy shield!'

" Conqueror will he be in life's battle if he follow in the footsteps of the Spartan of old or of Wordsworth's "Happy Warrior": "Who, doomed to go in company with pain, And fear, and bloodshedmiserable train!

just but when he signed the shell: Here his abode the martyred Phocion claims, With Agis, not the last of Spartan names: Unconquered Cato shows the wound he tore, And Brutus his ill Genius meets no more.

He joyously made ready, the Dove gave her lord and equal, not her master, a Spartan farewell, and the formidable band, Robert in the center, plunged into the forest.

Russell was entirely too young to grasp the meaning of the earnest discussions that went on about the fireplace of which this Spartan was then the centre.

On the shield were inscribed these words: "Aristomenês from the Spartan spoils dedicates this to the goddess.

"The Spartan admiral had sailed to the Hellespont.

A generation before, it had flung back the onset of a political power which combined all the momentum of all the other contemporary civilizations in the world; and the victory had proved not merely the superiority of Greek armsthe Spartan spearman and the Athenian galleybut the superior vitality of Greek politicsthe self-governing, self-sufficing city-state.

My Hounds are bred out of the Spartan Kind, So flu'd, so sanded; and their Heads are hung With Ears that sweep away the Morning Dew.

The Spartan Boy who suffered the Fox (which he had stolen and hid under his Coat) to eat into his Bowels, I dare say had not half the Wit or Petulance which we learn at great Schools among us: But the glorious Sense of Honour, or rather Fear of Shame, which he demonstrated in that Action, was worth all the Learning in the World without it.

There can be no high civility without a deep morality, though it may not always call itself by that name, but sometimes the point of honor, as in the institution of chivalry; or patriotism, as in the Spartan and Roman republics; or the enthusiasm of some religious sect which imputes its virtue to its dogma; or the cabalism, or esprit du corps, of a masonic or other association of friends.

"I want, above all, to make a man of himun homme," he said to Glafira Petrovna "and not only a man, but a Spartan."

When Fedia reached the age of sixteen, Ivan Petrovich considered it a duty to inspire him in good time with contempt for the female sexand so the young Spartan, with the first down beginning to appear upon his lips, timid in feeling, but with a body full of blood, and strength, and energy, already tried to seem careless, and cold, and rough.

His Spartan education had at all events been so far useful, inasmuch as it had developed in him a contempt for the world's gossiping.

For five whole days he fought against his timidity; on the sixth, the young Spartan donned an entirely new uniform, and placed himself at the disposal of Mikhalevich, who, as an intimate friend of the family, contented himself with setting his hair straightand the two companions set off together to visit the Karobines.

The Spartan's legs trembled when Mikhalevich led him into the Korobines' not over-well furnished drawing-room, and introduced him to its occupants.

BRASIDAS, a Spartan general, distinguished in the Peloponnesian war; his most celebrated action, the defeat at the expense of his life, in 422 B.C., of the flower of the Athenian army at Amphipolis, with a small body of helots and mercenaries.

He used to give suppers after the manner of the ancients, and used to astonish his guests by the ancient cookery of Spartan broth, and of mulsum.

244 examples of  spartan  in sentences