52 examples of spatial in sentences

As Sobke was very good at jumping, his new method rendered the box stacking experiment of uncertain value, since it was next to impossible so to arrange the spatial relations of bait and boxes that he should be neither discouraged by too great a distance nor encouraged to jump by too small a distance.

Temporal and spatial relations with all the connections they sustain are perceived just as directly as what we come to distinguish as the 'things' in them.

Position, figure, motion, are contingent properties of body; they presuppose that it is extended or spatial; they are modi extensionis, as feeling, volition, desire, representation, and judgment are possible only in a conscious being, and hence are merely modifications of thought.

The causality of things in themselves proves their reality, their difference at different times, their changeability and their temporal character; change, however, demands something permanent, existence, an existing, unchangeable, supra-temporal, and non-spatial substance (whether a special substance for each thing in itself or a common one for all, is left for the present undetermined).

The goal of the world-development is deliverance from the misery of existence, the peace of non-existence, the return from the will and representation, become spatial and temporal, to the original, harmonious equilibrium of the two functions, which has been disturbed by the origin of the world or to the antemundane identity of the absolute.

Kant is in so far a positivist that he limits the mission of knowledge to the reduction of the temporo-spatial relations of phenomena to rules, and declares the teleological power of values to be undemonstrable.

Spatial relations test.

Spatial relations test.

Spatial relations test.

Spatial relations test.

Spatial relations test.

SEE Bergstresser, John L. Spatial relations test.

Spatial relations test.

The Nature of the general, verbal, and spatial bi-factors.

Spatial relation test.

Spatial relation rest.

Spatial relations test.

SEE Bergstresser, John L. Spatial relations test.

Spatial relations test.

The Nature of the general, verbal, and spatial bi-factors.

Yet the remoter unperceived arrangements, temporal, spatial, and logical, of these contents, are also something that we need to know as well for the pleasure of the knowing as for the practical help.

He only defines them negativelythey are not spatial, temporal, predicative, or causal; or qualitatively or otherwise serial; or in any way relational as we naïvely trace relations, for relations separate terms, and need themselves to be hooked on ad infinitum.

Our present spatial milieu has settled down to a seemingly three dimensional finality because our thought-form has become so habitual as to give rise to certain geometric axioms.

Unity, balance, and harmony become manifest as spatial properties - you had been taught to regard them as principles of art.

You have passed into the fourth dimension of spatial realization.

52 examples of  spatial  in sentences