137 examples of spect in sentences

"In de bay, I 'spect," said Dick, as he shoved his boat off; "caught 'im wid a hook.

Nex' time, I spect dat sumfin' am a-gwine to happen.

" Job was installed assistant nurse over Fernando, and when the captain asked the negro about him, the black face became sober, and Job shook his woolly head, saying: "Dun no, massa, spect he am gwine ter die.

Aerial spirits or devils, are such as keep quarter most part in the [1180] air, cause many tempests, thunder, and lightnings, tear oaks, fire steeples, houses, strike men and beasts, make it rain stones, as in Livy's time, wool, frogs, &c. Counterfeit armies in the air, strange noises, swords, &c., as at Vienna before the coming of the Turks, and many times in Rome, as Scheretzius l. de spect.

Lavater de spect.

We've got plenty of time before night, and I 'spect I may as well go and show you how ter hunt 'em; 'cause yer won't git none unless I go 'long with yer, that's sartin.

"Is it a fact, that the Comanches frequently cook their meat by placing it under the saddle and riding on it all day?" asked I. "I 'spect 'tis," replied Tom; "leastways, I've seen 'em do it, and done it myself.

"I 'spect the Irishman had a hand in startin' him," continued Jerry.

" "Yes, missy, I neber remembers much about it till I leabes old Berginny; some how or oder, I finds out dat old massa's people hab a God, but I neber 'spect he know anyting 'bout poor black man.

and I spect dat mebbe some dere yit en cose it's bound to be some of the young uns lef' dar still, but de ole uns, Mars Luch en dem, dey is all gone.

"Christian Spect., Vol. viii, p. 201.

"Spect., No. 207.

"Steele, Spect., No. 522.

"Spect., No. 481.

"Christian Spect., viii, 185.

" Spect., No. 173.

"Steele, Spect., No. 544.

Addison, Spect., 464.

"Steele, Spect., No. 497.

for id est, that is;Add., Spect, No. 285; i.e., Addison, in the Spectator, Number 285th.

"Addison, Spect., No. 411.

Eh bien, te man must vary surelee pe w'ite and re-spect-ah-ble.

I want that my daughtare zhould maree one re-spect-ah-ble man.

I 'spect you'll see some ob yer ole frens dere.

"I don't keer 'bout it myself, but I don't 'spect John would be willin' ter let it go, 'cause he likes it a heap.

137 examples of  spect  in sentences