1149 examples of speedy in sentences

" "Oh, yescertainlyI rememberto be sure," exclaims the Judge, in great haste; alarmed into speedy assent by the construction which he perceives would be put upon a denial.

If you're not speedy, you look it, and that's almost the same as inviting those kind of boys to" Miss Lola Hassiebrock sprang up then, her hand coming down in a small crash to the table.

" He started, as he spoke, for the door of the private-office, intending to lock it and remove the key; but the unhappy Ritualist, fathoming his design, was there before him, and tore open the door for his own speedy egress.

It pays to think in trading as much as in statecraft," There were plenty that looked askance at us, and cursed us as troublers of the peace, and there were some who prophesied speedy ruin.

When, after a fair and speedy voyage, we passed Point Comfort, and had rid ourselves of the revenue men, and the tides bore us up the estuary of a noble river, I stood on deck and drank in the heady foreign scents with a boyish ecstasy.

Wherefore came she hither to Belsaye and sent speedy messengers to Sir Jocelyn of Alain and others of her greatest lords and knights, bidding them come down with all their powersnay, why shake ye gloomy head, fond boy?

Seas roll, and months pass, between the order and the execution, and the want of a speedy explanation of a single point is enough to defeat a whole system.

With a shriek That raised the eagles from the mountain peak, He shook his spear, and ran with stumbling feet, And sought for vengeance, speedy and complete The lust of blood possessed him, and he swore To slay them....

I was riding back from the Stanimaka battle-field sufficiently elated at the prospect of a speedy termination of the warnow made certain by the breaking up of Suleiman's armyto forget where I was, and to imagine myself back in my comfortable apartments in Paris.

He was loud in the praise of his speedy run.

As a result of its speedy run the day before, the runabout had for some little time been running on a rim.

But at half after three occurred an incident that restored hope of a more speedy deliverance to a few of the captives.

Speak out, and be speedy.

And they rode off together-O. "Soon after that, her lord came home Inquiring for his lady-O, When some of the servants made this reply, She's a-gone with the Gypsy Davy-O. "Then saddle me my milk-white steed, For the black is not so speedy-O,

The same week another called and gave them an order for fifty dollars more, so that they were able to pay up all their debts, and the sudden joy soon led to a speedy restoration to health, and the husband is now one of the most active Christian workers and teachers in a mission school, and the wife and daughter are also trying to do all they can to lead others to trust in Jesus.

Outside the gates he was joined by the others, and all, at a speedy but still dignified pace, made their way to the spot where the horses were concealed, in a little wood in a retired valley.

It was indispensable to come to some speedy decision.

But | I am | poor and | needy: Hasten, | Lord, who | art my | Helper; | let thine | aid be | speedy.

It was this Cretan question, even more than the Macedonian question, which in 1897 had driven Greece, single-handed and unprepared, into a war with Turkey in which she was destined to meet speedy and overwhelming defeat.

I knew it could not end well, but I never supposed the end would be so speedy

Speedy, deputy, by Max Brand, pseud.

Speedy's bargain, by Max Brand, pseud.

<pb id='064.png' n='1959h1/A/0736' /> Speedy's crystal game, by Max Brand, pseud.

Speedy's mare, by Max Brand, pseud.

His powers, mental and physical had been suddenly crushed with the appalling reality that surrounded him; his whole soul was absorbed with one master feeling, the dread of a speedy and violent death.

1149 examples of  speedy  in sentences