319 examples of spellers in sentences

As soon as the different schools had arrived two of the best spellers were selected to choose sides, and it happened that neither of them was from our school.

They were drawn in the order of their reputation as spellers.

The school-master from our district noticed my woebegone appearance, and he arose from his seat and said: "That boy standing by the fireplace is one of the best spellers in our school.

Bad spellers, but good cooks, are the French.

These leaders choose their followers from the mass, each calling a name in turn, until all the spellers are ranked on one side or the other, lining the sides of the room, and all standing.

But were it possible for all to become rapid spellers, another very important requisite is necessary before the system could be a perfect one, that is, the ability to read rapid spelling.

Modern parochial spellers.

Teacher's manual to accompany Modern parochial spellers.

Benziger Bros., inc. (PWH); 8Mar54; R126751. Modern parochial spellers, by Margaret Madden and Sister James Stanislaus.

Benziger Bros. (PWH); 8Mar54; R126752. Teacher's manual to accompany Modern parochial spellers, by Margaret Madden and Sister James Stanislaus.

The common-word spellers.

© 22Oct35; A86985. Penrose Fry (Wr); 7Dec62; R306147. FULLER, ESTHER O. The cardinal speller.

SEE AYER, FRED C. Golden State speller.

OBERHOLTZER, E. E. Golden State speller.

SEE Claypool, James V. GATES, ARTHUR I. Teachers' manual for The pupils' own vocabulary spellers.

Teacher's manual for The Pupil's own vocabulary spellers; text workbook edition.

Modern parochial spellers.

Teacher's manual to accompany Modern parochial spellers.

Benziger Bros., inc. (PWH); 8Mar54; R126751. Modern parochial spellers, by Margaret Madden and Sister James Stanislaus.

Benziger Bros. (PWH); 8Mar54; R126752. Teacher's manual to accompany Modern parochial spellers, by Margaret Madden and Sister James Stanislaus.

The common-word spellers.

SEE Claypool, James V. GATES, ARTHUR I. Teachers' manual for The pupils' own vocabulary spellers.

Teacher's manual for The Pupil's own vocabulary spellers; text workbook edition.

Den us carried Blue Back Spellers to Sund'y school an' a old Baptist cullud preacher would teach us out

"Dey had a nigger woman to teach all de house darkies how to read an' write an' I larned how to sign my name an' got as fur as b-a-k-e-r in de Blue Back Speller.

319 examples of  spellers  in sentences