8 examples of spens in sentences

I., passim, contains among others three excellent ballads,Sir Patrick Spens, The Twa Corbies, Robin Hood Rescuing the Widow's Three Sons.

How many poets are there in England now, who could have written "The Twa Bairns," or "Sir Patrick Spens?" How many such histories as old William of Malmesbury, in spite of all his foolish monk miracles?

"The Ancient Mariner" is not a ballad in the sense in which "Sir Patrick Spens" or "Young Waters" is a ballad.

By Willy De Spens, revue & augmentee par l'auteur. 12.

Willy De Spens (A); 30Jun75; R608657.

By Willy De Spens, revue & augmentee par l'auteur. 12.

Willy De Spens (A); 30Jun75; R608657.

A league, but barely three, When the lift grew dark, and the wind grew high, And gurly grew the sea." SIR PATRICK SPENS.

8 examples of  spens  in sentences