15 examples of spira in sentences

They were brought me on Thursday; but neither my few guineas with them, nor any of my books, except a Drexelius on Eternity, the good old Practice of Piety, and a Francis Spira.

Scorn and detest me as they will, I wonder that one line was not sent with itwere it but to have more particularly pointed the design of it, in the same generous spirit that sent me the spira.

No books but a Spira, a Drexelius, and a Practice of Piety!

There is a most memorable example of Francis Spira, an advocate of Padua, Ann. 1545, that being desperate, by no counsel of learned men could be comforted: he felt (as he said) the pains of hell in his soul; in all other things he discoursed aright, but in this most mad.

[Footnote 47: A celebrated and charming passage: "Io mi son un, che quando Amore spira, noto; e a quel modo Che detta dentro, vo significando.

Francis Spira can tell thee what it is to stay till the gate of mercy be quite shut; or to run so lazily that they be shut before you get within them.

One day while in this state of feeling she overheard her father conversing with a friend on the awful case of Francis Spira,[Footnote: "Francis Spira an advocate of Padua, Ann. 1545, that being desperate, by no counsell of learned men could be comforted; he felt, as he said, the pains of hell in his soule, in all other things he discoursed aright; but in this most mad.

Testa ovata, conica fulva rudis spiraliter striata sulcata, spira acuta, fauce livida.

Testa turbinata coronata albida zonis duabus fuscis, spira subdepressa mucronata, faute albida zonis duabus purpureis notata.

Testa minuta ovata fusiformis alba polita, spira conoidea obtusiuscula, labro inflexo, columella quadriplicata.

Testa ovato-oblonga tuberculata spiraliter sulcata albida fusco-variegata, spira exserta, cauda recurva, labro incrassato posterius lobo digiti-formi termitato intus (roseo ?) sulcato.

Testa orbiculata subtrochiformis profunde umbilicata albida fasciis binis fuscis cincta, spira brevi acuta, anfractibus 5 convexis concentrice sulcatis.

Testa subrotunda convexiuscula rugosa et plicata spiraliter sulcata intus argenteo et rubro margaritacea, spira prominula.

Testa ovato-rotundata tenuis depressa rugoso-subplicata spiraliter striata intus argenteo et rubro margaritacea, spira prominula, foraminibus parvis.

Testa ovato-oblonga convexa rugoso-plicata aurantio-rubens spiraliter costata, costis tuberculato-muncatis, fauce margaritacea, spira retusa.

15 examples of  spira  in sentences