4871 examples of sported in sentences

Marston sate, looking into the fire, with a countenance of stern gloom, upon which the wayward lights of the flickering hearth sported fitfully; while at a distant table Doctor Danvers sate down, and, taking his well-worn Bible from his pocket, turned over its leaves, and began, in gentle but impressive tones, to read.

The minds of men had sported forth, not toward any sound investigation of facts, but toward an eclectic resuscitation of Neoplatonism; which endured, not without a certain beauty and useas let Spenser's "Faerie Queen" bear witnesstill the latter half of the seventeenth century.

He could weep with those who wept, nay, he could weep with those who sported, for his tears welled forth from what seemed to be an unfailing source.

Still Wins.~ He had worn a colored blazer on the Nile; He had sported spats in Persia just for style; With a necktie quite too utter, In the streets of old Calcutta, He had stirred up quite a flutter for a while.

But we've sported together In all kinds of weather,

Even the colored chef de cuisine, a muscular mulatto, with a beard of a rash disposition, coming out on wrong parts of his face in little eruptive pustules of black wool, sported his lines out of the galley-airholes, and his porgies were simmering in the pan while their memories were yet green in the submarine parishes from which they came.

"Bon jour, Monsieur!" * * * * * About half an hour after this, I had occasion to traverse one of the corridors of Barnan's Hotel, when I saw a group of gentlemen, most of whom sported "Atlantic Cable Charms" on their watchchains, gathered about a person who had secured their rapt attention to some story he was narrating.

Thus our costume is complete; and I doubt if Buckingham sported the diamond tags of Anne of Austria with more satisfaction than do we our novel and odorous decoration: we dub ourselves the Light Guard on the instant.

Hun-lovers, pledged to Peace (the German kind), And such as sported LENIN'S sanguine token, Appealed to Liberty to speak her mind, And Liberty has very frankly spoken, Strewing around her polls The remnants of their ungummed aureoles.

That opposite side of the road was the green on which they sported; see, it is now ploughed up!"

It was a summer evening, Old Kaspar’s work was done, And he before his cottage door Was sitting in the sun, And by him sported on the green His little grandchild Wilhelmine.

" Perhaps in this edifice, Eugenius, (the witty Duke of Wharton,) and his boon companion, have sported their puns and repartees over the glass; whilst the laughter-moving Sterne, pursuing the dictates of his heart, has wet the dimpling cheek of Eugenius by some random effusion of imagination and sensibility.

The wind that swayed a thousand chestnut cones, And sported in the surges of the rye, Forgot its idle play, and, smit with love, Dwelt in her fluttering robe.

He had removed a bushy pair of whiskers which he sported in Glasgow, and had added to his adventitious characteristics a pair of green spectacles.

The porpoise and the spouting whale Had sported in his view;

Think of this beautiful cardinal beating his heart out against maddening bars, or caged for life in some dark city street, lonely, sick, and silent, bidden to sing joyously of that high world of light and liberty where once he sported!

My heart was gay, and 'mid the throng I sported for an hour or two; We danced the flowery paths along, And did as youthful lovers do.

In the pasture used to graze a large flock of sheep, and the snowy lambs sported over the rocks and ran down the hillside; does this remain the same?

The breeze that passes through the open window and fans the brow, might be mistaken for the same playful zephyr that sported with our own silken locks in childhood, as we stood before this same open window.

The silence of night was only disturbed by the clattering scales of the crocodiles, or the snorting of the hippopotami that sported on the banks.

Zebras sported on the banks, elks, and "caamas," a species of antelope which were extremely graceful, and they disappeared at night to give place to the leopards, whose growls could be heard, and even to the lions which bounded in the tall grasses.

There were a few, either minor chiefs, or leading braves, or professional dandies (for this class exists among the Indians), who sported something like a full Apache costume, consisting of a helmet-shaped cap with a plume of feathers, a blanket or serape flying loose from the shoulders, a shirt and breech-cloth, and a pair of long boots, made large and loose in the Mexican style and showy with dyeing and embroidery.

All that you do, I have done; All your childish ways I've run, All your joys and pangs I've had All that make you gay or sad; I have sported in the brook, Truant from my work or book; Chased the butterfly and bee, Robb'd the bird's nest on the tree; Damm'd the brook and built my mill; Flew my kite from hill to hill; Sported with my top and ball Childish joys, I know them all.

All that you do, I have done; All your childish ways I've run, All your joys and pangs I've had All that make you gay or sad; I have sported in the brook, Truant from my work or book; Chased the butterfly and bee, Robb'd the bird's nest on the tree; Damm'd the brook and built my mill; Flew my kite from hill to hill; Sported with my top and ball Childish joys, I know them all.

With head she bow'd, with look she courted, And kiss'd her hand repeatedly, Splashed with the water, gaily sported, And wept and laugh'd like infancy She names the monk, with tones heart-urging Exclaims

4871 examples of  sported  in sentences