61 examples of spose in sentences

" "Y-yes, I sp-spose so.

Well, she'd oughter do gret things with that 'ere meetin'-'us o' her'n for the chickens; it's kinder genteel-lookin', and I spose they've got means; they've got ability.

And I 'spose I do," added ARCHIBALD.

"How you t'ink guess, ole Plin?You 'spose nigger wench like Albonny wise woman, dat she see t'rough a gate, and know ebbery t'ing, and little more!"

An' there'd only be one flavor for our ice cream sodas, too, An' one color for a necktie an' I 'spose that would be blue; An' maybe we'd have mothers who were very fond of curls, An' they'd make us fellers wear our hair like lovely little girls.

Spose I drop him down fuss, and den de limb won't break wid just de weight ob one nigger.

A-herding my sheep in the bush, as they call it It was no bush at all, but a mighty great wood, Wid all the big trees that were small bushes one time, A long time ago, faith I spose fore the flood.

The scamps go abouta regular drove I spose you’re one of the clan?

" "Wal, I 'spose we'll part in the mornin' then.

I 'spose I shall leave my money to some nice young feller, and I hope it'll do 'im good.

"I 'spose you take medicine?" he said, at length.

"I 'spose it is foolish," admitted Mr. Lister; "but I don't like being misunderstood.

"'Spose now, Miss Lucy,' said I, holding her by the finger of her Limerick glove; 'spose now, that I had invited you to take an outside seat on the Hampstead Flying Phoenix with me, to go out to a rural junketing, on May day in the afternoon.

"'Spose now, Miss Lucy,' said I, holding her by the finger of her Limerick glove; 'spose now, that I had invited you to take an outside seat on the Hampstead Flying Phoenix with me, to go out to a rural junketing, on May day in the afternoon.

'Spose then, that I have handed you down to the bottom of five-and-twenty couple at a country-dance, to the tune of Sir Roger de Coverley, Morgiana in Ireland, Petronella, or the Triumph; and, notwithstanding our having sucked a couple of oranges a-piece, we are both quite in a broth of perspiration.

That is you, 'spose, seated on the turf, a leetle behind the pillar dedicated to Apollar; and you, blooming like a daffodilly in April, are waiting with great thirst, and not a little impatience, for my promised appearance, from the sign of the Hen and Chickens, with the cordials, and a few biscuits on a salverwhen, lo!

I 'spose the leg thinks that's enough; so it is.

" The following afternoon Captain Currier called his daughter into the parlor, and closing the door, said abruptly, "Well, Hannah, I 'spose you have squared up accounts with William, and are now ready to enter a new firm.

it be Filbard a-shooting: spose a'had better bide a bit till he ha' done.'

How der yer spose yer'l feel dare yer smell notin but brimstone an nashin ob teeth!

Ah spose ah needed hit, for ah "did like sugah"!

"I 'spose we do," answered the son sturdily, though sulkily; "but that's the very best skit that Blank Blank ever did for us.

'I reckon I don't hitch on, pardner,' sez I; 'security what for?' ''Spose you sell the ship?' sez he, 'afore the two months is up.

"So I is, Missus, but do you 'spose I'd keep all dis yer money in de house wid dat strange nigger?"

do you 'lude to, masta?Bridget Maloney, I spose, dat Irish heifer wat does de chambers ebery mornin' and goes home ob ebenin's.

61 examples of  spose  in sentences