12969 examples of spots in sentences

Now I've a theory which is thisthat every man has a certain amount of vagabondism in his composition that will be pretty certain to break out in spots occasionally.

If it were not for sack, villainous sack, and a few spots upon his front, you would go far to find a better companion than the fat old Knight.

In the meantime they had knocked Boston out of second place for a short while in May and, most of the way, had enjoyed a close fight with Philadelphia for third and fourth spots.

They'll hit only the high spots.

At one of the most charming spots on the coast of Norfolk, Cromer, you will see the boulder clay forming a vast mass, which lies upon the chalk, and must consequently have come into existence after it.

Below Quebec there were awkward spots where steamers used buoyed channels, and if these were blocked by ice Davies must risk crossing the shoals.

These little colored patches are stains upon the windows of a human soul; stand on the outside, they are but dull and meaningless spots of color; seen from within, they are glorified shapes with empurpled wings and sunbright aureoles.

It drips upon blood-stones, the spots on which are referred to as fairy blood (fuil siochaire).

E-x-z-a-ckt-ly! As usual, on all such occasions, the women wore the bre-b-bifurcated garments, while the softer sex shone transparently, in silk, satins, and black and bloo spots.

the death of leaping accents (p. 32)of the thick reckoning of a hoof (p. 33)of a pin-drop silence (p. 17)a readable look (p. 20)a half indifferent wonderment (p. 37)or of Boy-storied trees and passion-plighted spots,p. 38.

There are spots of sunshine sleeping on the fields of past existence too beautiful, as there are caves among its precipices too darksome to be looked on by the eyes of memory; and to carry on an image borrowed from the analogy between the moral and physical world, the soul may turn away in sickness from the untroubled silence of a resplendent Lake, no less than from the haunted gloom of the thundering Cataract.

"If you don't mind rough spots now and then, I'll try to show you a few things at first hand." Chapter Two "No objection; only a stipulation.

Doane's Valley is one of those beauty spots which abound in the mountains of California.

Yellow buttercups adorned the warmer spots in each sunny valley.

We were loath to leave the shady spots when we came to the open places.

The white spots on their rumps shone in the sunlight like burnished silver.

They also, like the ferns, sought the cooler, darker spots.

The emerald pond above the falls, in which the waters assume an emerald hue, and appear to seek a momentary rest before taking the final plunge over the cliffs, is one of the Valley's beauty spots.

Every inch of the ground there is cultivated; there are no waste spots.

The rays of the sun, oblique beams of gold that filtered in from above, illuminating the spirals of dust, flies and moths, made him think in a homesick way of the lush green of the orchard, the white spots of the hamlets, the black smoke columns of the harbor filled with steamships, and the triple file of bluish convexities crowned with froth that were discharging their contents with a sonorous surge upon the bronze-colored beach.

Home removal of spots and stains.

HEADEN, JOSEPHINE. Home removal of spots and stains.

MCCANN, MARY RUNYON. Leopard's spots.

Uncle Wiggily and the red spots © 17Jul39; AA306668.

As soon as day-light came on, we proceeded to take a view of our little island, and found it to measure only one acre, of coarse, white sand; about two feet, and in some spots perhaps three feet above the surface of the ocean.

12969 examples of  spots  in sentences