494 examples of spouts in sentences

It occasions water-spouts, volcanoes, and earthquakes.

Sometimes he looked back over his shoulder with a sudden nervous jerk; but he was the only moving thing in the white streets, except when the wind swooped round a corner and threw up the snow, which was beginning to freeze, in spouts of glittering dust.

the board with cups and spoons is crowned, The berries crackle, and the mill turns round; On shining altars of Japan they raise The silver lamp; the fiery spirits blaze; From silver spouts the grateful liquors glide, While China's earth receives the smoking tide: At once they gratify their scent and taste, And frequent cups, prolong the rich repast.

"That's Mother Carey," spouts the whale, "as you will find if you get to her.

That spouts had been seen, there was no doubt; though, since quitting the schooners, no one in the boats had got a further view of the fish,if fish, animals with respiratory organs can be termed.

Just so, when Kings approach, our Conduits run Claret, as here the spouts flow Helicon; See, every sprightfull Muse dressed trim and gay Strews hearts and scatters roses in his way.

Over the tiles hides are spread, to prevent the water let in on them by spouts from dissolving the cement of the bricks.

The whale seems to be an exception to the above, as he receives water and spouts it out again from an organ, which I suppose to be a respiratory one.

After several unsuccessful attempts, owing to contrary winds, they left Dusky Bay on 11th May, and on the 17th, when near Cape Stephens, fell in with six water-spouts, one of which came within fifty yards of the ship, and Cook regretted he had not fired a gun at it, as he had heard that course recommended.

The lake looked like a pool of ink, the mountains were monsters of dark and threatening aspect, the rain rattled against the windows, and ran from the verandah in miniature water-spouts.

Tubs like the hold of the Great Eastern, and spouts coming into them like the Staubbach! Clothes-lines like a parade-ground of telegraphs, fields like prairies, snow-patched, as far as you could see, with things laid out to whiten!

The newsboy, he spouts it, The bootblack, he shouts it, The washwoman sings it all wrong;

Like a stormy mornin' now, with the water dashin' From the eaves and from the spouts, foamin' and a-splashin', With the leaves and twigs around, shinin' wet and drippin', Shakin' in the wind with drops every-which-way skippin'.

Spouts and handles of jugs and tea-pots are made and united with the body of the vessel in the same way.

Her stern flies up in the lather of a freed screw, and her deck from poop to the break of the foc's'le goes under in gray-green water level as a mill-race except where it spouts up above the donkey-engine and the stored derrick-booms.

Sound means when a whale blows, spouts, sends up a big fountain of water.

I, too, have passed her on the hills Setting her little water-mills By spouts and fountains wild Such small machinery as she turned 250 Ere she had wept, ere she had mourned, A young and happy Child! Farewell!


Several small water-spouts formed near the ship as we were about to weigh, which induced us to wait a little until they passed.

Suddenly his expression yieldsa look as if of astonishment succeeds to fixed determinationand at the same instant his countenance passes through an indescribable change as the blood spouts from his forehead and he falls lifeless at my feet, slain by a shot from my rear.

The roof was high and sloping, and in its centre rose a high stack of brick chimneys, which had almost the effect of a tower, while under the eaves, at regular intervals, were thrust out grotesque heads, with short spouts protruding from their mouths.

Now behold water-spouts vomiting as they rush over the pavements, and rubbish marinates in puddles that fill the holes scooped out of the macadam.

Beneath the gray sky which seemed suspended over the house tops, water gushed down the thick sides of the high walls, spouts overflowed, and the streets were coated with a slimy dirt in which passersby slipped.

He heard it patter on the panes which formed a ceiling at the end of the room; it fell in cascades down the spouts.

If it spouts out, we'll be blown clear up to heaven.

494 examples of  spouts  in sentences