5854 examples of sprung in sentences

He'll find his traps sprung and his bait gone.

I'd laid out my trappin' arrangements on a pretty large scale, and was doin' a little better than midlin', when I found that my traps were sprung by some animal that helped himself to the bait, without leavin' his hide as a consideration for settin' of 'em.

After a little, he trotted out to the other end of the pole, and gettin' on to it, walked carefully along to within ten or twelve feet of the bait; if he didn't begin jumpin' up and down till he sprung the trap, you may shoot me.

With these magnificent ice-characters so vividly before us it is not easy to realize that the old glacier that made them vanished tens of centuries ago; for, excepting the vegetation that has sprung up, and the changes effected by an earthquake that hurled rock-avalanches from the weaker headlands, the basin as a whole presents the same appearance that it did when first brought to light.

Next moment Gifford had instinctively sprung back into the covert of the trees, almost dazed by what he had seen.

I have mentioned that I had saved the few ears of barley, and rice, which I had so surprisingly found sprung up, as I thought, of themselves.

This having the rainy month of March and April to water it, sprung up very pleasantly, and yielded a very good crop; but having only part of the seed left, and not daring to sow all that I had, I got but a small quantity at last, my whole crop not amounting to above half a peck of each kind.

Fire flew out of my eyes, but it did not prevent my intention; I soon came within shot, when, leveling my piece, I observed to my sorrow, that even the flint had sprung from the cock by the violence of the shock I had just received.

Akin they were,yet not as thus it seemed, For he of VALOUR was the eldest son, From Areté in happy union sprung.

One could only trust that from those fair and unpolluted bodies had sprung a new wave of human brotherliness never to be quite lost.

shouted the excited Bignall "Come, and perform the office with your own hands!" The graceful ship, as if sensible herself to the taunts of her enemy, sprung nigher to the wind, and shot across the fore-foot of the "Dart," delivering her fire, gun after gun, with deliberate and deadly accuracy, full into that defenceless portion of her Antagonist.

It almost touches Boscombe, that eastern extension of the great town that has sprung into being within the last fifty years.

Nothing but the speed of the motorcycles saved the boys, for enemies sprung up all along the way.

The descendant of the Huguenot tradesman or artisan, if in Boston, builds Faneuil Hall or founds Bowdoin College; if in Charleston, he deals in negroes and persuades himself that he is sprung from the loins of Baldwin, King of Jerusalem.

The legs sprung against the reeds and flags, in the same way.

Dr. Palfrey, in this and in other chapters, traces with skill and exactness the course of public measures and events in England, through kingly tyrannies and popular resistance, which ended by harmonizing the institutions of the mother country for a little while with those which had sprung up in this wilderness.

A faultless being from the marble sprung, She stands in beauty there!

We soon entered the suburb of La Guillotière, which has sprung up on the eastern bank of the Rhone.

The white smoke of the artillery curls almost visibly off the canvass, and the cracked and half-sprung walls look as if about to topple down on the besiegers.

" Soon afterwards a fresh wind sprung up, which increased rapidly, till every sail was bent to the full.

These are two proofs of the wisdom and the power of God, which ought to sink deeper into our hearts than all signs and wonders;greater proofs of God's power and wisdom, than if yon fir-trees burst into flame of themselves, or yon ground opened, and a fountain of water sprung out.

One, and the largest of these isolated settlements, was in the Whaling Bight, quite near to Blubber Islano, where a village had sprung up, containing the houses and shops of coopers, rope-makers, boat-builders, carpenters, blacksmiths, &c.; men employed in making casks, whaling gear, and boats.

Then shook the sacred shrine, and sudden light Sprung through the vaulted roof, and made the temple bright.

Every type of human vigor had sprung from the Mediterranean race,fine, sharp and dry as flint, doing good and evil on a large scale with the exaggeration of an ardent character that discounts halfway measures and leaps from duplicity to the greatest extremes of generosity.

In the mean while a breeze sprung up, and Tucker, trimming his sails, left them, who all fell a prey to the pirate; into whom, however, he fired a broadside at going off.

5854 examples of  sprung  in sentences