9226 examples of squarer in sentences

Below it we entered an open cleft of some size to another squarer cave.

With such a crazy Statesman as you be, them 'ere little Alabarmy claims would have been squared up long ago, or else, if this court knows herself intimately, the British lion would have been sent off howlin', with a tin kittle tide to his cordil appendage.

He took me through the dark cedars at the same tireless pace, and in the gloom I could see him flitting ahead of me, his shoulders squared, and his limbs as supple as a race-horse's.

" Adair's jaw grew squarer than ever.

I never knew a squarer fellow.

" "Sheriff, I'll give him a squarer deal than you think.

Is that square?" "Nothing squarer in the world," said Jig and went in.

" "Oh; she's just a transposed Washington Squarer," answered the tyrant of Our Square.

Now nothin' could be no squarer than that.''How

Then with a jerk she dropped the girl's hand and squared her shoulders like a soldier, so that the dowdy blue suit strained more than ever at its seams; and the line that had settled about her mouth the night before faded slowly, as though a muscle too tightly drawn had relaxed.

During this moment of suspense, the former had squared his firm-built frame in front of his gigantic opponent, and there were very vehement passings and counter-passings, in the way of gestures from four athletic arms, each of which was knobbed, like a fashionable rattan, with a lump of bones, knuckles, and sinews, that threatened annihilation to any thing that should oppose them.

Everything must be squared according to an inexorable plan; self must be despised, passions restrained and clarified, till the life becomes thin and attenuated through careful discipline,all hopes and fears laid aside till the soul becomes accustomed to its chilly atmosphere.

The white wall-paper evidently concealed squared logs.

In July began an amusing correspondence between Mr. Dodgson and a "circle-squarer," which lasted several months.

As Mr. Dodgson's method involved a slight knowledge of trigonometry, and he had reason to suspect that Mr. Bwas entirely ignorant of that subject, he thought it worth while to put him to the test by asking him a few questions upon it, but the circle-squarer, with commendable prudence, declined to discuss anything not Euclidean.

This circle-squarer selected 3.125 as the value for "pi," and Mr. Hagger, who was fired with Mr. Dodgson's ambition to convince his correspondent of his error, failed as signally as Mr. Dodgson did.

She had reached the beginning of wrinkles and cheekbones and her wrists were squarer than they used to be.

The squareness of his brow was squarer, and here and there through his dark brown hair there was to be seen an early tinge of coming grey; and about his mouth was all the decision of purpose which comes to a man when he is called upon to act quickly on his own judgment in matters of importance; and there was that look of self-confidence which success gives.

Then he squared his shoulders, puffed out his chest, and patted his ribs with the flat of his hands.

His short legs spread belligerently, his shoulders squared.

For a moment they confronted one another; then he straightened up, squared his shoulders with a laugh that terrified her.

He was remarkable only in having everything a little in excess of his typea little squarer in jaw and shoulder, a little longer in nose and leg, a little keener of eye and slower of tongue.

"I just want you to look at these papers, Mr. Tutt," Mr. Asche said, and his jaw looked squarer than ever.

When he squared himself again and buzzed his spurs against the bar, his mind was wholly given to the proper execution of the musical gem.

The desperado told his story: "Jest got a bead on himhad him sure popnever see a squarer markwhen somebody mounted mepitched me clean out of my hole.

9226 examples of  squarer  in sentences