720 examples of squaw in sentences

One old squaw, whose eyes had been sore for years, was healed in three weeks and went back to her people with her wonderful tales of the valley.

Under this they had printed in bold black letters words that ridiculed the college which was represented by a "squaw."

" "What picture in what locket?" "The locket I see at Whoop-Up, the one Pierre Roubideaux buy from old Makoye-kin's squaw.

See Makoye-kinand his squaw.

" "And you're willing to make a squaw-man of him.

British groan, like squaw dat lose her hunter.

[Fr.], feme coverte [Fr.]; squaw, lady; matron, matronage, matronhood^; man and wife; wedded pair, Darby and Joan; spiritual wife. monogamy, bigamy, digamy^, deuterogamy^, trigamy^, polygamy; mormonism; levirate^; spiritual wifery^, spiritual wifeism^; polyandrism^; Turk, bluebeard^. unlawful marriage, left-handed marriage, morganatic marriage, ill- assorted marriage; mesalliance; mariage de convenance

This be squaw work.

It is squaw work, so braid away.

He was a good hunter, and there was no one to bring meat to his squaw and children.

The Indians did not fire a gun, but exclaimed, as if in astonishment, "Squaw!

If the fire burns, all right; when the last stick is laid on, a squaw will start for a fresh supply, no matter how cold and stormy the weather may be.

Originally he had two partners, squaw men.

Una india se llama una squaw.

La squaw dejó a Gilberto que lo cogiese, Mi pequeño papoose,dijo ella.

No, no te lleves mi papoose,dijo la squaw.

An Indian woman is called a squaw.

The squaw let Gilbert hold it.

"May I take it to mamma?" "No, don't carry off my papoose," said the squaw.

The squaw, angry at this, urged her husband "to kill the boy at once.

A lady, who was saved by a friendly chief holding her under the waters of the lake, while the balls were whizzing around, received also, in the heat of the conflict, a reviving draught from a squaw, who saw she was exhausted; and, as she lay down, a mat was hung up between her and the scene of butchery, so that she was protected from the sight, though she could not be from sounds, full of horror.

Any one can steal a squaw, and if he chooses afterward to make an adequate present to her rightful proprietor, the easy husband for the most part rests content; his vengeance falls asleep, and all danger from that quarter is averted.

Her name was Nisette, and she was the daughter of a converted squaw who, being very pious, induced the young couple to go to an Algonquin village and get regularly married by a clergyman.

If a squaw suspects her liege lord of undue familiarity with a rival, she darts upon the fair enchantress with the fury of a wild beast; then ensues such a pounding, scratching, hair-pulling, as beggars description."

Even a coating of culture does not seem to curb the young squaw's propensity to make the first advances.

720 examples of  squaw  in sentences