37 examples of squelch in sentences

One of the copies of the poems you sent has precisely the same pleasant blending of a sheet of second volume with a sheet of first, I think it was page 245; but I sent it and had it rectified, It gave me, in the first impetus of cutting the leaves, just such a cold squelch as going down a plausible turning and suddenly reading "No thoroughfare.

They've got to be squelched.

Brief pause prefaced a bid designed to squelch him completely: "Ten thousand!"

It was nasty, sloppy walking at the best, however, for every step one took one went in with a squelch right up to the ankle, and I think we had all had pretty well enough by the time we reached the boat.

More than once, as I have shown, it has been my painful task to squelch in him a tendency to get uppish and treat the young master as a serf or peon.

[electrical resonance] tuning, squelch, frequency selection; resonator, resonator circuit; radio &c [chemical resonance] resonant structure, aromaticity, alternating double bonds, non-bonded resonance; pi clouds, unsaturation, double bond, (valence).

Our hero was aware that the trains, as a rule, are infested with sharps, and the efforts of the railroad companies to squelch these nuisances are not altogether successful.

The turf it squelched where the Red King fell; And the fiends they carried his soul to hell, Quod 'His master's name it hath sped him well.'

They loyally united in her defence, and sought to squelch the revolter by loftily explaining that the actress turned her back so often to the audience because she had such a noble, generous nature and desired to give the other actors a chance.

Then the heavy boots squelched out again, going towards the river bank, where the waiting boat was tied to the mooring post.

The drunken cook came out, carrying his rolled blankets, began maudlin sympathy, and was promptly squelched, whereupon he retreated to the float, emitting conversation to the world at large.

I had to squelch him, and Linda abetted me successfully.

Found she had just skipped the town with a young Englishman by the name of Bovoir, who had been paying her polite attentions for some time, having bowied or otherwise squelched a man for her within a week or two.

Not only has the desire for smoking been effectually squelched, but a perfect hatred of smoking has been developed on account of the offensiveness of the odor of tobacco.

Then on we went, hampered by the weight of our drenched clothes while our soggy boots squelched as we walked.

Irma S. Black (A); 6Jul71; R508727. Why all the rush to squelch progressive education?

Irma S. Black (A); 6Jul71; R508727. Why all the rush to squelch progressive education?

In the great campaign against Christianity undertaken by the philosophers, Voltaire, so long, a wavering ally, will henceforth fight in the foremost ranks; it is he who shouts to Diderot, "Squelch the thing (Ecrasez l'infame)!

"Squelch the thing!

All dat hangin' seemed to squelch a heap o' lousy goin's-on.

But in the person of Brother Walker, the system was squelched.

They'll soon find as the Marsters ain't goin' to be worried and welched, And when they rob coves of their 'olidays, 'ang it, they ought to be squelched. 'Owsomever, I'm mucked, that's a moral.

And agin I wep', and sez to 'em: "How can it be stopped?" Tirzah Ann looked completely squelched and could do nothin' only weakly ask: "If I spozed I could git him to play on a accordeon, she kinder thought that some time she'd hearn of some man, somewhere havin' his mind soothed by one.

No use arguin' with her, she sez you had it in your power to squelch some of the Trusts, and didn't do nothin' but talk.

The double effect has been an increased output of munitions for the army and increased health for the soldier, and such scenes as one may witness in Piccadilly or other London streets at night have been effectively squelched by the strong Prussian hand, with benefit to all concerned.

37 examples of  squelch  in sentences