458 examples of squinting in sentences

Between the children's sallow, screwed-up, squinting little visages the calm, unconscious face of the nun shone white like a flower.

" "G-g-guess you're about r-r-right, Steve!" declared Toby Jucklin, instantly; "to t-t-tell you the t-t-truth, I've been squinting that same p-p-patch of white myself q-q-quite some little time now.

Squinting at the viewless ether through his monocle he beheld millions in it; so did William Augustus Destyn and the other sons-in-law.

" "It'll start all right when it sees me," observed Mr. Jobson, squinting down at his trousers.

A dull but crafty old eye squinting down the stem assured itself that the tobacco was well alight before the match was thrown away.

madam, what a squinting leer; No doubt the fairy hath been here.

"If they was mine," he ses, squinting at the fire-place, "I should know wot to do with 'em.

This man, with a long, thin face, was constantly squinting past Cosme's shoulder, squinting and leering and stretching his great full-lipped mouth into a queer half-smile.

This man, with a long, thin face, was constantly squinting past Cosme's shoulder, squinting and leering and stretching his great full-lipped mouth into a queer half-smile.

"He has a funny, squinting eye.

" "What's a journey?" asked the comical little pig, squinting his eye up at the papa pig.

" "Oh dear!" cried Curly Tail, for she liked her little brother very much, and she loved to see him look at her with his funny, squinting eye.

He looked at them from his queer, squinting eye, but the men did not seem to know that the little pig was hungry.

" Even Marianne at times had her doubts, but from a distance and by dint of squinting, she was usually able to reduce the conglomerate to a tolerably harmonious whole.

The ship was under short canvass, the men were at quarters, the guns were cast loose, and were levelled; the tompions were all out, shot was distributed about the deck; and here and there some old salt of a captain might be seen squinting along his gun, as if impatient to begin.

Ruric whipped out a knife, and attacked his master, crying, "I follow after my own thinking and my own desires, you old, smug, squinting hypocrite!"

" Manuel intently regarded him, and squinting Manuel smiled sleepily.

Hah, Manuel, from behind the squinting mask a sick and satiated and disappointed being spoke there, howsoever resolutely you keep up appearances.

The muscles of his face grew lame from squinting in the vivid light.

the bluff, squinting King replied.

He was rather stupid, this huge, handsome, squinting boy; and as she comprehended this, her hand went to his shoulder, half maternally.

The housekeeper stroked his head, keeping her face half-turned from meas she had done almost constantly, to conceal the squinting eye, as I assumedand said: "Need we keep you any longer, doctor?

This way and that he peered, squinting with eyes that did not understand.

" Don Isaac was on the point of throwing some critical light on the details of this story when, fortunately, Squinting Aaron Hirschkuh from Homburg-on-the-Lahn came with a white napkin on his arm, and bitterly bewailed that the soup was already served, and that the boarders were seated at table, but that the landlady was missing.

He waded back to the island with a full load of provisions and cooking utensils, and in three minutes he was squinting against the smoke of a camp-fire while he poured water from a canteen into his blackened coffee pot.

458 examples of  squinting  in sentences