29 examples of stabilized in sentences

Mr. Hoover, whose work as chief of the Belgian Relief Commission had made him world famous, stated the threefold objects of the food administration under the bill as follows: "First, to so guide the trade in the fundamental food commodities as to eliminate vicious speculation, extortion, and wasteful practices, and to stabilize prices in the essential staples.

In turn the pituitary would become stabilized in the direction of increased secretion, and hand on the component of increased secretion to the sex cells.

If this article had been before me when the letter of December 23 was written, I might have gone much further in opposition to the President's plan for stabilizing peace in the world on the ground that a guaranty so conditioned would cause rather than prevent international discord.

My impression is that Mr. Wilson's opposition to the provision was not based on the ground that it was in contravention of the Constitution of the United States, but rather on the ground that it did not go far enough in stabilizing the terms of peace which were to be negotiated.

Thus, "-id:GAMMA gamma" might very well refer to a Phoenician construct that in appearance resembles the form that eventually stabilized as an uppercase Greek "gamma" juxtaposed to one of lowercase.

All these things helped to stabilize the regime of the Manchus.

At the same time, the government succeeded in stabilizing the currency and in eliminating corruption, thus re-establishing public confidence and security.

Joseph Kessel (A); 12Aug63; R320352. KESTER, ROY B. Stabilized accounting.

SEE ROBINSON, F. C. SWEENEY, HENRY W. Stabilized accounting.

Stabilizing jobs and wages through better business management.

Color calendar with stabilized dates.

Joseph Kessel (A); 12Aug63; R320352. KESTER, ROY B. Stabilized accounting.

SEE ROBINSON, F. C. SWEENEY, HENRY W. Stabilized accounting.

Stabilizing jobs and wages through better business management.

Color calendar with stabilized dates.

Several thousand years, during which civilizations have appeared, disappeared and reappeared, have been too brief to establish and stabilize a hard and fast social pattern.

The products of the Valley were sufficient to maintain a large population of cultivators: some slave, some forced labor, about which we have little knowledge; a bureaucracy, headed by a supreme ruler whose declared divinity was one of the chief stabilizing forces of the society.

For half a century United States money and arms were used to stabilize capitalism.

The politics of civilization faces a simple mandate: establish, stabilize and perpetuate a nucleus of wealth and authority; build around the nucleus a periphery of associates and dependencies.

Events since war's end in 1945 have marked out the steps which the human race might take in the immediate future to deal with the new problems arising out of the world revolution of 1750-1970 and to stabilize human life on the planet.

A planned, stabilized future for humanity will be assured when the earth is governed much as cities, states, nations and empires have been governed in the past and the present, but with one essential difference.

World law will be only one aspect of the new situation that will result from the establishment of a planned, stabilized future for humanity.

Both countries are unquestionably stabilized economically and viable politically.

If such an extension proves feasible, it should give Marxism a real priority in stabilizing the economy and building up the political vigor of the Far East.

Fourth, the new economy could be federated as it was established and stabilized, with special attention to the need for a maximum of local self help to balance against pressures toward bureaucracy and the development of overhead costs.

29 examples of  stabilized  in sentences