6534 examples of stairs in sentences

Juanita made some small jest and laughed rather eagerly at it as she passed the pattern lady on the stairs.

At this moment a heavy step sounded on the stairs, the door opened, and there entered, to Lancelot's astonishment, the stranger who had just puzzled him so much at his uncle's.

A shrill piping came over the water as the crew was mustered amidships and the boarding-stairs lowered.

And splash it went into the water, the crew tumbled in, and two men slowly helped another down the stairs, while the crew stood at attention.

"Monsieur Tellier, relate to him" "If Tellier so much as moves a finger, I will kick him down the stairs," added the Prince, still more calmly.

"It was that day she wasn't down stairs at all, and sent word to Dr. Callandar not to comethree days ago I think.

She flew up the stairs, closing Jane's door as she hurried by.

At the door she would still have accompanied her but Mary flung herself angrily from her hold and ran up the stairs with sudden feverish strength.

"Not that I haven't tried," she continued in her jerky way as they went up the stairs together; "but you seem to be always with your mother.

The sounds of the child's cheerful tattoos upon Mrs. Coombe's door accompanied them down the stairs, but when they had waited a few minutes, Jane came quietly into the room alone.

Esther went slowly down stairs and out into the garden.

Then, laying it aside, he passed by, and, leaving her sobbing in the dusk, went on into the house and up the stairs to the closed room.

She stayed therefore no longer than the fiction of dress-fitting required and then with a somewhat strained "good night" passed down the stairs and out of the house.

The doctor and Esther had raced up the stairs.

"Do you know how many wrong turnings there are between this and the stairs?" he asked.

We should have found anything good that our hostess cared to set before usso potent a charm is amiabilityand I am sure no man need wish for a better supper than the fried eggs and fried potatoes which copiously awaited us down-stairs.

I heard Colin moving in the next room, and presently we were down-stairs, alertly hungry.

A house is assaulted; there are encounters, on the stairs; it is a horrible struggle in which no quarter is given, night and day, through all hours.

"Listen to me, Babetsince your daughter married, nobody has used the little room up stairs.

Yes, your honour, you may go up stairs at once.

he answered surlily; "you had better come and see;" and therewith he turned upon his heel, and tramped heavily down the kitchen stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs was a long passage leading to the offices.

Whilst my friend was speaking, I heard a quick and heavy footstep on the stairs, which, causing me to start upon the instant, and hurling sickness to my heart, clearly told, had doubt existed, how strongly apprehension had fixed itself upon me, and how certainly and inextricably I had become connected with the object of my dark and irresistible conceptions.

" The doctor said not another word, but taking a candle from the table, quitted the room, and hurried down stairs.

CHAPTER XXIX Dr. Torvey's Opinion When Lady Walsingham reached the head of the stairs, she met her maid, and from her learned that her sister, Lady Mardykes, was downstairs in the same room.

6534 examples of  stairs  in sentences