2620 examples of stand up in sentences

In that moment the bristles began to stand up along Kazan's spine.

Then he was able, ignorant and unlearned man as he was, to stand up before the high priests and rulers of his nation, and to say, simply and firmly, without boasting, without defiance, "Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.

"Now, Major, stand up straight and behave yourself!

In Hamburg on the following day a newly-opened restaurant was completely destroyed because a young Dane had failed to stand up when the national hymn was being played.

"But I was hoping that maybe you could come and stand up to the Forest Monster.

I shall my soul a temple make Where hills stand up on high; Thither my sadness shall I take And comfort there descry; For every good and noble mount This message doth extend That evil men must render count And evil days must end.

The first Parliament, while it contained some noble and patriotic members, was dominated by young men who remembered the excess of Puritan zeal, but forgot the despotism and injustice which had compelled Puritanism to stand up and assert the manhood of England.

If we are at war, as I think, with a foreign country, to all intents and purposes, how can a man here stand up and say that he is on the side of that foreign country and not be an enemy to his country?

I'de be glad You could as easily acquitt your selfe Of guilt as stand up in your owne defence; But, Bustamente, when it doth appeare To law & reason, on which law is grounded, Your great offence in daring to betray The Spanish honour unto Infamy, In yeilding up the fort on such slight cause, You can no lesse then yeild yourselfe most guilty. Bust.

"But I must stand up," she said, with sudden fire.

The gage was accepted, but the chieftain could stand up to Ali no better than a reed stands upright before the wind that shakes it.

"Stand up," he ordered.

He did not stand up to take it and he knew too late that this was a blunder.

I once had a sick hoss, who couldn't do much more than stand up, but I had to drive him one day, 'cause my other one was hired out.

I meant to have said, as I introduced Mrs. Blake, that sitting on the sofa is Dr. Clemence S. Lozier, who declines to speak, but I want her to stand up, because she represents New York city.

This is the established custom: whenever we look upon the king of another country, we always stand up and sing, God save our own!" Club-House Comforts.

If you could stand up to a big butcher like Myers and talk Dutch to him the way you did, I guess we need you at a desk.

Far off, yet surely to come,surely for him,a day to come when a pure social system should be universal, should have thrust out its fibres of light knitting into one the nations of the earth, when the lowest slave should find its true place and rightful work, and stand up, knowing itself divine.

The sons of the rich nobles being proud, and not liking to hold companionship with the sons of the burghers; and seeking on every occasion to vex and annoy them; and the latter, since they were rich, thinking that they had a right to the same pleasures and privileges as those of nobler birth, and being determined to stand up for them; so that their disputes would not unfrequently end in fighting and bloodshed.

"Not that I weary of your company, sir; but I told you my parole was ended when we reached the boat. Suppose, now, I should stand up here and cry out that I am being restrained of my liberty.

She saw Mr. Rymer stand up.

Stand up, stand up!

It was cold and clammy, and made me shiver, but I did not care to stand up and run the risk of being discovered by his sharp eyes.

Stand up so you can be seen.

"I think he has cast his spell on Anne," added Charles, "or how can she stand up for him?

2620 examples of  stand up  in sentences