11 examples of starcher in sentences

A couple of dainty muslin dresses were draped over chairs, for Dyce was the finest clear starcher in Marlborough, and her kitchen was all too small to hold the products of her skill.

I'm a clear-starcher by trade, sir.

Her industry is upstairs and downstairs, like a drawer; and by her dry hand you may know she is a sore starcher.

This was the strike of the starchers in the Troy, New York, shirt and collar trade.

In 1905 the starchers had their wages cut, and at the same time some heavy machinery was introduced.

The starchers went out, and organized a union, which over one thousand women joined.


Buddy Edward Starcher (A); 7Jul67; R413340. STARK, MILDRED FOOTE.


Buddy Edward Starcher (A); 7Jul67; R413340. STARK, MILDRED FOOTE.

The little person made a bob-curtsey"Oh, yes, if you please'm; my name is Mrs. Tiggy-winkle; oh, yes if you please'm, I'm an excellent clear-starcher!"

11 examples of  starcher  in sentences