1821 examples of start to in sentences

"I determined the descent from the summit to Lake Lindeman by carrying the aneroid from the lake to the summit and back again, the interval of time from start to return being about eight hours.

"I am going to make a start to-morrow.

If the North-West Mounted start to arrest Bully West or to empty his liquor-kegs, they'll go right through with the job.

All was so still, so soft in earth and air, You scarce would start to meet a spirit there, Secure that naught of evil could delight To walk in such a scene, in such a night!

Amy, aren't you going to eat any breakfast this morning?" Aunt Amy, who had been following her niece's unusual flow of talk with fascinated attention, returned with a start to her untasted egg.

If I start to have some fun, Someone hollers, "Don't you run!"

"I start to do such rash things" "Indeed you do, my dear," spoke Grace.

Stars were beginning to peep out, bats were fooling round, the garden was full of the aroma of those niffy white flowers which only start to put in their heavy work at the end of the dayin short, the glimmering landscape was fading on the sight and all the air held a solemn stillness, and it was plain that this was having the worst effect on her.

Hush yo' now, an listen to dat lonesome whippo'-will; Don't yo' fix yo' lip an start to cry.

It ate any one who came near its home, so when the people saw Catalina start to climb the mountain they begged her to come back.

As a citizen of Connecticut it gave me quite a start to see, carelessly exposed to the weather on the rough cobblestones of the plaza, bright new hardware from New Haven and New Britainlocks, keys, spring scales, bolts, screw eyes, hooks, and other "wooden nutmegs.

He entered into the spirit of our tour, and it was plain to see that it would be a success from start to finish if it were within his power to make it so.

I said, 'That won't do; you have to tell me what you goin' to give me before I start to work.'

We will start to-morrow.

When a shell burst some of them would scream and cower or start to run, but more of them would stop in their tracks and gibber and laugh and clap their hands like excited children.

Napoleon, it is curious to remember once wanted to run a lodging-house, and a man may start to corner oil and end the father of a civilisation.

However, I am going to start to-night for Pittsburg to see what I can do there.

The messages come continuously, keeping up the intense excitement from start to finish.

In Britain they were messengers; they helped to guard the coasts; they did all sorts of work frae start to finish.

They won't start to go through the smoke for a while.

"So about the last of September our Kingbirds, who live everywhere in the United States, gather in flocks, start to find a place where insects are still stirring about, and fly southward, following the sea-coast and the great rivers for paths.

A fellow who's subject to cramps and chills has no business in the water, but if you start to go in swimming, go in all over.

"What, start to-night?"

"Wait till they start to plague us," murmured Dorothy.

" "AyI marry the lady; but I start to-morrow night for Berlin, en route for anywhere that chance may lead me.

1821 examples of  start to  in sentences