103441 examples of state in sentences

Posterity will cry shame on us if we do not remedy this deplorable state of things.

Without the first of these assumptions there would of course be no ground for any statement respecting the commencement of life; without the second, all the other statements cited, every one of which implies a knowledge of the state of different parts of the earth at one and the same time, will be no less devoid of demonstration.

There are two hundred known orders of plants; of these not one is certainly known to exist exclusively in the fossil state.

If the arguments which have been brought forward are valid, probably no one, in view of the present state of opinion, will be inclined to think the time wasted which has been spent upon their elaboration.

He reasons back to a beginning of the present state of things; he admits the possibility of an end.

For Colonel Oswald, having failed in a third nomination for Congress, had gallantly proffered his services to the Governor of the State, and, in consideration of his influence with his German compatriots, had been granted a commission, though with reluctance, as he had supported the Democratic party and was not yet trusted in the Republican councils.

The widow found herself unable to maintain the affluent state her lord had loved.

" Vincent was the real Southerner of his epochimpulsive, sentimental, ardent in all that he espoused, without the slightest notion of humor, though imaginative as a dreamer; love, war, and his State, Virginia, were passions that he thought it a duty to uphold at any and all times.

" "What an outrageous state of things!"

" Finally, the smaller States gave their ultimatum to the larger States that unless representation in both branches of the proposed legislature should be on the basis of equalityeach State, whether large or small, having one votethey would forthwith leave the convention.

" Perhaps the attitude of the members is thus best expressed by James Madison, in the 10th of the Federalist papers: "A pure democracy, by which I mean a State consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person, can admit of no cure for the mischiefs of faction.

Our fathers did not believe in the sovereignty of the State in the sense of absolute power, nor did they believe in the sovereignty of the people in that sense.

The worth and dignity of the human soul, the free competition of man and man, the nobility of labour, the right to work, free from the tyranny of state or class, this was their gospel.

It said to the State: "There is a limit to your power.

Time does not suffice to state the intricate system of checks and balances whereby the legislature acts as a check upon the executive and the executive upon the legislature, and the Supreme Court upon both.

While this makes for stability in administration and keeps the ship of state on an even keel, yet it also leads to the fatalism of our democracy, and often the "native hue" of its resolution is thus "sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought."

They make no provision for the secession of any State, even if it deems itself aggrieved by federal action.

In limine, let us note the significant fact that this spirit of revolt against authority is not confined to the political state, and therefore its causes lie beyond that sphere of human action.

In the State of New York alone for 1920, there was a loss due to strikes of over 10,000,000 working days.

Under the American Constitution, they are part of the fundamental law, and, as such, enforceable by judges sworn to defend the integrity of the individual as fully as the integrity of the State.

When that parchment was last taken from the safe in the State Department, the ink in which it had been engrossed nearly 134 years ago was found to have faded.

But though we admire the result, we have grown out of sympathy with the cause, the state of mind that produced it, and so the root wherefrom the like should be produced is cut off.

In each age by turn some one mental organ is in a state of hypertrophy; immediately that becomes the medium of expression,not that it is the only possible or even the best, but that its time has come,then it gives place to another.

The married was always held to be the only honourable state for woman, during the times of pagan antiquity.

Original matter was considered as the elementary cause of all beings, by which they expected literally to work miracles, to transmute the base into noble metals, to metamorphose man in his animal state by chemical processes, to render him more durable, and to secure him against early decline and dissolution.

103441 examples of  state  in sentences