212 examples of static in sentences

The false analogy, "ut pictura poesis," establishing, as it does, a sanction in criticism for the static in drama, flourished until Lessing exposed it in his Laocoon.

This structural and static conception of poetry is well exemplified by his comparisons.

An apparatus is put in our hands which shows us not only a static condition at a given moment, but the whole life process of an individual, normal or abnormal, his past and his future.

The situation was static.

With the spot-light of publicity blazing on the crime, the investigation seemed to have become static.

Obviously, the natures of those who possess this sense will tend to be static rather than dynamic, and it is therefore against the limits imposed by this sense that intellectual anarchists, among whom I would number Dale, and poets, primarily rebel.

When this conductor is presented to one of the poles of a battery, the other pole of which communicates with the ground, it becomes charged with static electricity, like the coating of a Leyden-jar,electricity which is capable of giving rise to a discharge-current, even after the voltaic current has ceased to be transmitted.

These currents of static induction are proportional in intensity to the force of the battery and the length of the wire, whilst an inverse relation is true as regards the length of the conductor with the ordinary voltaic current.

I have alluded to the resistance offered by the conductor of a telegraph-cable to the passage of an electric current, and to the retardation of this current by static induction.

All social and industrial questions therefore are to be interpreted in their dynamic rather than in their static aspects.

Cultures never do remain isolated or static, and certainly not the seaborne cultures of which Goa, Govapuri, Gopakapatnam, became a part.

It stood in his memory not as a sequence of events but as a collection of disconnected static sayings; each saying blunt, permanent, inconsecutive like a graven inscription.

The now well known kinetic theory of gases is a step so important in the way of explaining seemingly static properties of matter by motion, that it is scarcely possible to help anticipating in idea the arrival at a complete theory of matter, in which all its properties will be seen to be merely attributes of motion.

BINDER, OTTO O. Static; a short story by Eando Binder, pseud.

<pb id='286.png' n='1958h2/A/1624' /> Static.

Gesture is founded on three bases which give rise to three orders of studies; that is, to three sciences, namely: The static, the dynamic and the semeiotic.

The semeiotic is its mind; the dynamic is its soul; the static is founded on the mutual equilibrium or equipoise of the agents.

It sets forth the cause of the acts produced by the dynamic and the static harmonies.

It, therefore, remains for us to fix the three vital conditions of the static part of gesture.

The vital condition of the static is based upon the knowledge of the nine stations.

The spirit of the static entails the study of scenic planes which embrace three conditions: The condition of the personage in relation to the scenic centre or to the interlocutor whom he addresses; in the second place, his situation; and, finally, the direction assumed by his body in regard to the conditions already indicated.

The soul of the static is in the harmonic opposition of the surfaces moved.

In long-time static conditions the general level of prices and the prevailing rate of interest are dependent on entirely different sets of forces.

Civilization, like other aspects of human culture, is never static but always dynamic.

The subsidence of pressure resulting from explosives being about as sudden as the creation of pressure, causes the pointer to move too rapidly for correct ocular observation, on which account a static electric current is employed, causing a stream of electric sparks to shoot off from the end of the pointer, B, to the brass outer ring, M.

212 examples of  static  in sentences