10563 examples of stations in sentences

One day Mary was at one of the stations with another missionary.

Although sickness has been more prevalent, and death in consequence more frequent, in camps and military stations than in the dwellings of peace, this excess is not unavoidable, but may be mostly, if not entirely, prevented.

A thorough reform was determined upon, and carried out with signal success in all the military stations at home and abroad.

Four hundred and seventy surgeons and assistant-surgeons were attached to the hundred regiments of infantry.[80] It is made the duty of the medical officer to keep constant watch over all the means and habits of life among the troops,"to see that all regulations for protecting the health of troops, in barracks, garrisons, stations, or camps, are duly observed."

Not only the common people, but persons of the highest rank and stations, nay, even men the most distinguished for their rank and abilities, did homage to those "gods of their idolatry," and lived in continual dread of their occult powers.

When we pass stations quick like, he whistle with engine loud.

The other half is seventy miles back, and part of what we have here ought to have been left at the way stations.

The towns are scattered from here on, and you won't strike a decent meal except at the railway stations.

Then, without a moment's delay, they disappeared, under orders to proceed to stations in the North Sea, to cruise in the Channel, the Atlantic or the Mediterranean; to keep trade routes open for British and neutral ships and capture or destroy the ships of the enemy.

"Back of the mountains, along the Rhone from Dusseldorf to Strasbourg, there are a dozen aero stations, some of them devoted to aeroplanes and dirigibles, others to dirigibles alone.

"The latest data show that Germany has sixty stations, including private dirigible hangars, while France has thirty, in most cases of greater extent than those in Germany, Russia, eight months ago, had ten, but it is believed that this number has been increased twofold since that time.

FOUGHT TO GET ON THE BOATS "Immense crowds of themmen, women and childrengathered along the quayside and at the railway stations in an effort to make a hasty exit from the city.

Wheeling to their stations in the sky, they make the poor world-fret of no account.

The hawk follows the badger, the coyote the carrion crow, and from their aerial stations the buzzards watch each other.

The Fram made a voyage from Buenos Aires to the coast of Africa and back, covering a distance of 8,000 nautical miles, during which a series of oceanographical observations was made at no less than sixty stations.

The three occupied a coupé, and being weary with long sitting, Helen got out at one of the stations where the train paused for ten minutes.

A rosy sunset tempted her to the end of the platform, and there she found, what nearly all foreign railway stations possess, a charming little garden.

"I remember when I sat in the House, there was a party who were fond of the cry of this said liberty; but when they got the power they did not seem to me to suffer people to go more at large than they went before; but I suppose they were diffident of telling the world their minds after they were put in such responsible stations, for fear of the effect of example.

Fortunately for us, German submarines constantly used their wireless installations when operating at sea, and as a consequence our wireless directional stations were able to fix their positions by cross bearings.

As I walk behind you, I hear of nothing but suns and moons, parasangas, stations, and I know not what.

But half the operators at the stations heard it ticked out, by the register stroke, and knew it before they wrote it down for the press.

Cogs told me that they had just fitted up the Naguadavick stations with Bain's chemical revolving disc.

Almost anybody used to reading the blind books can read the embossed Morse messages with the finger,and so this message was read at all the midnight way-stations where no night-work is expected, and where the companies do not supply fluid or oil.

Total 3,654,825 Forest Reserves of North America State Parks, State Forest Reserves and Preserves, State Forest Stations, and State Forest Tracts in the United States CALIFORNIA.

Battle stations!

10563 examples of  stations  in sentences