70 examples of status quo in sentences

This alteration in the potential status quo ante has been partly the result of natural growth, but in a still greater degree, to Germany's doctrine that it is only might which counts.

Presuming that the bull could talk, would Professor Oncken advise the guardian of the proverbial china-shop to accept the bull's promise to respect the status quo ante of his property, before letting him (the bull) run amock amongst the china?

Hence when the Macedonian question became very acute in 1903, and it seemed that action would be undertaken by Bulgaria and Servia against Turkey, Roumania had declared that she would not tolerate an alteration of the status quo.

In other respects, the status quo ante was preserved, and the partition of Holland and Belgium was confirmed, as it has ever since remained.

England and France did not fully perceive their mistake in thus throwing Turkey into the arms of Russia, by their eagerness to maintain the status quo,the policy of Austria.

There must be no reversion to the status quo, that accursed device of a worn-out diplomacy, with its inevitable seeds of new quarrels and yet another Armageddon.

Neither capital nor labour will abide by "scraps of paper" if they do not feel the status quo (i.e. the conditions under which wage-contracts are made) to be equitable and inherently just.]

turning point, turn of the tide; status quo ante bellum; calm before a storm.

In 1872 he brought about a friendly understanding with Austria and Russia, the other two great Powers of Eastern Europe, the so-called Dreikaiserbündnis, which was designed to perpetuate the status quo.

The men who had placed him in power were again in two campsthose who were content with the status quo, and those who were not.

The other provisions dealt with the preservation of the status quo in Venetia and the withdrawal of the French troops from Rome and Northern Italy.

Having lived in lawful harmony with his appendix for fifty years, I thought, for one week longer he might safely maintain the status quo.

In short, the political world had remained during our voyage in that chaotic status quo so loved by President Buchanan.

The eleventh and twelfth centuries were periods of extensive social legislation in order to give the lower classes some degree of security and thus prevent them from attempting to upset the status quo.

They used to present methe diplomats didwith what they called their Minimum, and then we (I mean Codfish Pasha and me) had to draft in return our Maximumsee?and then we all had to get together again and frame a status quo.

She is the sovereign pattern and exemplar of management, of the triumph of the political method in spiritual things, and of the subordination of ideas to the status quo.

The important thing is that the personality itself should be as little as possible broken, incoherent, and fragmentary; that reasoned and consistent opinions should back a firm will, and independent convictions inspire the intellectual self-respect and strenuous self-possession which the clamour of majorities and the silent yet ever-pressing force of the status quo are equally powerless to shake.

Our main text has been that men should refuse to sacrifice their opinions and ways of living (in the self-regarding sphere) out of regard to the status quo, or the prejudices of others.

The maintenance of the Ottoman Empire on the basis of Moslem ascendancy was thereby assured; but it remained to be seen whether the isolated area could now be restored to the status quo in which the rest of his dominions had been retained.

It is true that in Cyprus, as in Krete, there is a considerable Greek-speaking minority of Moslems who prefer the status quo; but, since the barrier of language is absent, their antipathy to union may not prove permanent.

The Balkan League having proclaimed, however, that their action did not involve any territorial changes, and the maintenance of the status quo having been insisted upon by the European Concert, Rumania declared that she would remain neutral.

Lord BIRKENHEAD is all for maintaining the status quo in regard to holes and greens, but takes up a strong attitude on the improvement of the water-supply.

Nations with slowly growing populations, and still possessed of ample territories to maintain their accustomed standards of life, naturally favor the status quo, and are pacifist or nonmilitarist.

" Conservatives, urging law and order under the status quo, have reason on their side.

Others stayed at home, bided their time and, when opportunity offered, joined with like-minded fellows in organized underground opposition or open rebellion against the status quo.

70 examples of  status quo  in sentences