2110 examples of staving in sentences

quoth Roger, spitting and drawing a cross in the dust with his bow-stave.

Now while Beltane yet stared, amazed by her saying, the bushes parted near by and a hooded figure stepped forth silent and soft of foot, at sight of whom all men gave back a pace, and Roger, trembling, drew a second cross in the dust with his bow-stave, what time a shout went up: "Ha!the Witch'tis the witch of Hangstone Waste herself!"

Bowsbows!" cried Giles, tossing up his bow-stave and catching it featly"Oho!

But now that the coolies had gone, Captain Kneebone's heels were busy, staving open boxes right and left.

We stave 'em off, say: that case, they'll settle down to starve us, right and proper.

And when he heard all the lad had to tellthat he was the only child of an old family, and that his mother was in failing healthhe threw off the rope as I throw off this, and he kissed him on either cheek, as I kiss you, and he bade him go, as I bid you go, and may every kind wish of that noble general, though it could not stave off the fever which slew my son, descend now upon your head.

He was called the savior of his country; and he succeeded in staving off for a time the fall of his country's liberties.

He was menaced with the very thing he was in the hope of staving off, or a discussion on the subject of the sick man's previous life.

If from the churches we proceed to the religious societies, we find the same symptoms among them; here, they declare themselves openly against slavery, in spite of the menaces of the South; there, they succeed in staving off the question, yet at the price of excited debates, which continually spring up again, of a great scandal, and of protests which are heard by Christians through the whole world.

An occasional joke, an occasional stave of song, a necessary consultation over the mapthat is enough for the way.

In several places, high rocks lay scattered about in the channel; and, in the narrows, it required all our strength and skill to avoid staving the boat on the sharp points.

Whether it be likely to proceed: if not, let him wisely stave himself off at the first, curb in his inordinate passion, and moderate his desire, by thinking of some other subject, divert his cogitations.

If Aprayer = B., and A + prayer = B, prayer = O. The attempt to answer this argument by admitting its invalidity relatively to God, but asserting the efficacy of prayer relatively to the pray-er or precant himself, is merely staving off the objection a single step.

The responsibility of rejecting a conference, which, by staving off the evil day, might have preserved the peace of Europe, falls solely on the shoulders of Germany.

Thanks," he added, "to Mr.erJukesbury here whose prompt action was, under Heaven, undoubtedly the means of staving off meningitis and probablyindeed, more than probablythe means of saving Mr. Woods's life.

And they begin to be wonderfully patient and impartial, in the hope of staving off the evil day, and finding some excuse for doing nothing after all.

You think, then, that there is a chance of staving it offby cleansing, I mean?"

As for getting any more of the income, in time to be of any use in staving off the tidal wave of ruin that rose against him, there was no chance of that.

She did not allow herself to think, and she succeeded in staving off silence.

At the head of a gang of navvies, he inspected the palaces, hospitals, barracks and religious houses, breaking up cellars and staving in drain-pipes.

The stupid jealousy of colonels and majors who had won bloodless glory, on both sides, in the Mormon War, and the malignant prejudice instigated by the covert treason that lurked in Southern Illinois, succeeded in staving off the passage of the bill, until it was lost by the expiration of the term.

Stave, stove or staved, staving, stove or staved.

The place is often crowded at nightthere is scarcely room to sit or stand, the atmosphere is thick with smoke, and a hoarse roar of jarring voices fills it, above which rises the stave of a song shouted in one unvarying key from some corner.

All his measures were directed to that end, The water was started in the lugger's hold by staving the casks, and the pumps were set in motion as soon as possible.

Before quitting the shore, they took the precaution of staving all the other boats, to prevent pursuit, and accordingly, though their escape was immediately discovered, they succeeded in getting so much the start of the people whom Benavides sent in pursuit of them, that they reached St. Mary's Island in safety.

2110 examples of  staving  in sentences