4257 examples of steeling in sentences

But beyond the ever accusing, protuberant stare, those features told nothing; and steeling myself to the situation, I made what observation I could of her condition and the surrounding circumstances.

THE DAFT DAYS Now mirk December's dowie face Glowrs owr the rigs wi' sour grimace, While, thro' his minimum of space, The bleer-eyed sun, Wi' blinkin' light and steeling pace, His race doth run.

There is ample matter for cogitation in watching the peaceful end of Genzerick, who spends his dying moments in steeling his son's heart against the Christians.

It grew in time into a perpetual grimace, so that the expression of an old range rider is that of a man steeling himself to pass through some grim ordeal.

In the dim light of the early dawn she heard the sound of his horse's hoofs from where she stood in the shadow of a clump of trees; and steeling herself for the part she was to play, and in ignorance of whether he might have found out that the charges had been withdrawn from his pistols and might have re-loaded them, she waited until he was almost abreast of her, and fired at his horse, bringing it down.

Steeling his will he tore open the sealed envelope.

It had averaged eight miles an hour on its climb toward Yellowhead Pass and the end of steel.

His eyes were gray, smiling steel.

The few harmless police we have following the steel have been unable to touch them.

She caught his arm, and one of her hands seized the cold steel of the pistol.

and she's steeling herself, Against the dreary day, When she'll pine and sigh from her lattice high For the knight that's far away.

Mitchell had been steeling himself to hear from her, but it seemed that she took the whole thing as rather a good joke.

We might have been with them where the drum and fife were as strong drink to the warriors, firing their hearts and steeling their nerves for the bloody struggle.

That's the sort with steel whiskers on them.

'Any one can have this steel box for me,' retorted Roy.

Men sprang up the steel ladder leading to the conning tower.

And perhaps the finest tribute to the power and subtlety of his influence was, that, to the last, juries, who began cases by steeling themselves against it, and who ended by giving him their verdicts, maintained that they were not at all influenced by him,so profound, so complete, and so unconscious had been the spell this man of genius had woven around them.

"The Japanese excel in working in copper, iron, and steel."Ib., p. 419.

The movements and voices of the servants down stairs still getting things into their places and completing our comfortable arrangements, had also their effect in steeling us against any such influence, and we set the whole thing down as a dream, or an imperfectly-seen outline of the bed-curtains.

B798418. H. L. Davis (A); 3Jan56; R162743. Steel gang.

O'CONNOR, HARVEY. Steel dictator.

With the aid of the neighbouring town of Southport, Cadurcis had made preparations for his friends not entirely unworthy of them, though he affected to the last all the air of a conductor of a wild expedition of discovery, and laughingly impressed upon them the necessity of steeling their minds and bodies to the experience and endurance of the roughest treatment and the most severe hardships.

"Here's to you, my lad; and may you have grace to take advantage of your chances!" He winked over the rim of his glass as he took a big pull at its contents, and there was something so villainous in the look of him that it did me good in the way of steeling my nerves again.

Not one heart there but was steeling itself against ambush and a shriveling fire.

(Mrs Reffold herself had quite succeeded in steeling her heart against her own invalid husband.)

4257 examples of  steeling  in sentences