27025 examples of stepped in sentences

One day, a plain, quiet little man stepped into the chief hospital, looked about a moment, and set to work.

His countrymen, not having the vivacity of our ladies, listened in silence till he had ended, when an aged chief stepped forth, and remarked that he too, when a young man, had visited their Great Father Washington, in New-York, who had received him as a son, and treated him with all the delicacies that his country afforded, but had given him no ice.

A fat woman, of a sanguine temperament, holding a little girl by the hand, then stepped up and showed her fingers.

Benham got up and stepped over Kaviak on his way to the fire.

You see, you go about the world so like a gray-stone saint who has just stepped down from her niche for the fraction of a second," he added, as with venom, "that it is only human nature to dislike you.

As we left the table I stepped beside Grey.

Poor Trask looked very unhappy indeed as his displaced rival stepped back to the rear and left the new orderly to march the company out from the narrow way to take its place in the parade.

And now, even as she trembled against him, so trembled Beltane also yet knew not why; therefore of a sudden he turned and stepped into the chamber.

As he stepped into the scooter, Samuel's conscience at last began to prick him.

Soon the cup was called for, and Helladia, in her masculine dress, stepped forward, darting a glance of sinister triumph at her friend.

For purposes of their own the police kept the affair out of the papers, and when Frank Hutcheson stepped out of the sleeping-car from Paris on to the platform at Pisa a few nights afterwards, I related to him the extraordinary story.

"Someone who waited for him on the edge of that wood stepped out and killed himthat's evident," he said.

At the present crisis he stepped forward as the leader of the most bigoted party, and excited his followers to the most furious opposition to measures which he had once advocated as salutary for the Church, and indispensable to the preservation of the State.

Then, suddenly remembering that Harry might have brought the infection with him, he stepped back suddenly, saying, "Keep off, Harry, my boy; there is no good in running into the wolf's jaws, you know!"

"What; are you here, John?" said the chairman to a decent-looking man who stepped up in answer to his name.

One of them stepped up to my friend, and whispered something plaintively, pointing to his feet.

Previous to coming on board the Powhatan, the commissioners visited the sloop-of-war Macedonian, being saluted as they stepped on her deck by seventeen guns from the Mississippi lying near.

" "It is most interesting," answered Etta's voice, and Catrina stepped forward into the light.

"I'm glad to meet some one who knows about missions at first hand," Miss Morel began one morning, as they stepped out on the promenade deck for their constitutional.

" So jolly Robin gave him his sword again, which the Friar buckled to his side, and this time looked to it that it was more secure in its fastenings; then tucking up his robes once more, he took Robin Hood upon his back and without a word stepped into the water, and so waded on in silence while Robin sat laughing upon his back.

Now it would have been an ill day for these four good fellows had not Will Scarlet stepped before the others and met the hounds as they came rushing.

Then Robin arose and stepped forth to meet him, and Partington leaped from his horse and doffing his cap of crimson velvet, met Robin as he came.

So Sir Hugh stepped to the edge of the platform and spoke in a loud clear voice, and thus he said: That each man should shoot seven arrows at the target that belonged to his band, and, of the fourscore yeomen of each band, the three that shot the best should be chosen.

"I'll just slip in heer," and the amused Shaughnessy tripped lightly to the closet door, drew it open in spite of a momentary resistance from within which he had no time to notice, stepped into a small recess full of shelves and bottles, shut the door, and stood face to facethe broad moonlight shining upon her through a small, high-grated opening on one sidewith Pauline.

The lock grated, the door swung, the turnkey looked in and stepped back, and a ray of moonlight fell upon M. Jules St.-Ange.

27025 examples of  stepped  in sentences