13 examples of stets in sentences

St. Augustine wrote, "Vult se tenere ut stet, et quodammodo fugit a se nec invenit cancellos quibus se includat" (in Psalm 95).

fideique merces, Stet fides constans, meritoque blandum Thraliae discant resonare nomen Littora Skiae.

Ahaena quassans tela gravi manu Sic ibat atrox Ossiani pater: Quiescat urnâ, stet fidelis Phersonius vigil ad favillam.

V. let alone, let be, let it be; persist, remain, stay, tarry, rest; stet (copy editing) hold, hold on; last, endure, bide, abide, aby^, dwell, maintain, keep; stand, stand still, stand fast; subsist, live, outlive, survive; hold one's ground, keep one's ground, hold one's footing, keep one's footing; hold good.

Phr. stet pro ratione voluntas [Lat.]; sic volo sic jubeo [Lat.]; a vostro beneplacito [It]; beneficium accipere libertatem est vendere [Lat.]; Deus vult

I do not envy at their wealth, titles, offices; "Stet quicunque volet potens Aulae culmine lubrico, Me dulcis saturet quies.

Diese in ihren Endzielen stets gleichbleibende und nur in ihren Mitteln und an Intensität wechselnde Propaganda erreichte zur Zeit der Unnerionskrise ihren Höhepunft und trat damals ossen mit ihren Tendenzen hervor.

[Footnote 1: "In der Sprache herrscht immer und erneut sich stets die sinnliche Anschauung, die vor Jahrtausenden mit

Still in the winter you may see the dazzling peak of the "gelidus Algidus" and "ut alta stet nive candidum Soracte"; and wandering at Tivoli in the summer, his description, "Domus Albuneae resonantis, Et praeceps Anio, et Tiburni lucus, et uda Mobililius pomaria rivis," is as true and fresh as if his words were of yesterday.

The gateway is surmounted by an inscription referring to the two Arundells of the Great Rebellion; above is a niche containing a bust of Christ and the words "SUB NOMINE TUO STET GENUS ET DOMUS."

Mach alles in mir froh und gut, Dass stets ich minder fehle; Herr, deiner Menschen-Liebe Glut Durchglühe meine Seele.

My own verdict is an unhesitating stet.

der Geist der stets verneint.

13 examples of  stets  in sentences