50 examples of stevedore in sentences

He uttered a shrill falsetto shriek that brought to a standstill every stevedore on the job; and sprang forward to seize his mate by, the shoulder.

He held a note-book and pencil, but that he had not been above lending physical assistance, on occasion, to the natives bearing bags and other merchandise, was evident from his hands which were grimy as a stevedore's.

I had no doubt that Gussie must have reached for the Bassett and clasped her to him like a stevedore handling a sack of coals.

This queer building had been built by a negro stevedore because of a deep admiration for the steamboats on which he had made his living.

[Afrik.]; sappers and miners, pavior^, navvy^; packer, stevedore; warming pan.

He first mistook me for a stevedore, then for the manager, and next for the Hong-Kong-Shanghai Bank.

Soldiers up in the Gallipoli hills, the captain on the bridge, a stevedore working on a lighter in the blaze of noon with the winch engines squealing round himyou turn round to find a man, busy the moment before, standing like a statue, hands folded in front of him, facing the east.

They are becoming porters, stevedores, wood-sawers, hod-carriers, brick-makers, white-washers and barbers, so that the blacks can scarcely find the means of subsistencea few years ago, a white barber would have been a curiositynow their poles stand on every street.

One famous fellow of this governing class is known by his deeds and words to every lumberer and stevedore and timber-tower about Montreal and Quebec.

There was a fighting stevedore or timber-tower, I forget which, at Quebec, who never had seen Joe Monfaron, as the latter seldom came farther down the river than Montreal.

" "The rich stevedore's son, Dr. Miller?" "Yas, suh, dat's de man,you knows 'im. Dis yer boy wuz jes' gwine 'way fer ter study ter be a doctuh, an' he ma'ied dis Janet, an' tuck her 'way wid 'im. Dey went off

Adam Miller had inherited his father's thrift, as well as his trade, which was that of a stevedore, or contractor for the loading and unloading of vessels at the port of Wellington.

No officer of the Noa-Noa said a word to stop them, evidently fearing a general strike of the crew, and when the missiles cut open the head of a native stevedore and fell even among the laughing girls, the courtesies began to be returned.

" For a month or more the lonesome husband "stevedored," wrestling freight on the lighters, then he disappeared.

Bob confessed that he had never seen it, though he had worked in the stevedore's gang; but was confident he had heard Friend Abraham White and Captain

The decline of the ships appeared to be reflected in the bearing of their captains, more careless than before, worse dressed, with the military slovenliness of the trench-fighter, and with calloused hands as badly cared for as those of a stevedore.

On Monday the "plain sailor" bade the mayor, who had once been a plain stevedore, remove the city's women and children within forty-eight hours.

Stevedore and Industrial equipment and supplies; general catalog no.45.

Stevedore and industrial equipment and supplies.

Stevedore: a story of the water front.

Stevedore and Industrial equipment and supplies; general catalog no.45.

Stevedore and industrial equipment and supplies.

Stevedore: a story of the water front.

"Do you have to be your own stevedore?

When this was done, the bag containing the gold did not differ in appearance from the others, and the captain again assured himself that the additional weight would not be noticed by a common stevedore, especially if all the bags were about the same weight.

50 examples of  stevedore  in sentences