2212 examples of stewart in sentences

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"Egad, you are right, Lieutenant Stewart," he retorted, his eyes full on mine.

"Ah, pardon me, Stewart," he said contemptuously, "I forgot that you were present on that glorious day.

"I suppose you considered your words before you spoke them, Lieutenant Stewart?" asked Preston, looking at me coldly, and still keeping tight hold on the swearing man at his side.

Will one of the other gentlemen present act as my second?" "I shall be happy to do so, Lieutenant Stewart," cried my neighbor, stepping forward.

"Believe me, Lieutenant Stewart," he said, in a low voice, "I deem you a brave man, and I honor you for defending the credit of your countrymen.

"We are ready, Lieutenant Stewart," called Pennington, and I shook my forebodings from me as I strode back toward him.

"Lieutenant Allen instructs me to say," began Preston, who was acting as his second, "that an apology on the part of Lieutenant Stewart will avert consequences which may, perhaps, be unpleasant.

" "Lieutenant Stewart has no apologies to offer," I said shortly.

"You are a gallant man, Lieutenant Stewart," he said as he did so.

"Lieutenant Stewart," he said to me sternly, "I did not think to find you thus engaged, else had I thought twice before placing a sword in your hand.

I trust, Lieutenant Stewart, you will have the courage to sheathe your blade.

"And I promise you, Lieutenant Stewart," he continued, as though there had been no interruption, "that I shall be happy to act as your second, once this campaign is closed.

There can be no question of Lieutenant Stewart's courage.

Stewart's "Popular Superstitions of the Highlanders.

But it would be hazardous to assume that German statesmen were seriously influenced for years by the lucubrations of Mr. Houston Stewart Chamberlain and his followers.

' On Friday, March 30, I dined with him at Sir Joshua Reynolds's, with the Earl of Charlemont, Sir Annesley Stewart, Mr. Eliot of Port-Eliot, Mr. Burke, Dean Marlay, Mr. Langton; a most agreeable day, of which I regret that every circumstance is not preserved; but it is unreasonable to require such a multiplication of felicity.

Mary Stewart, aged 26, } Briggs, com.

[1220] A Journey to Meqwinez, the Residence of the present Emperor of Fez and Morocco, on the Occasion of Commodore Stewart's Embassy thither, for the Redemption of the British captives, in the Year 1721.

I might add, that this seat has received, among other visiters, Sir Samuel Romilly, Sir George Beaumont, Sir Humphry Davypoets as well as philosophers, Madame de Stael, Dugald Stewart, and Christopher North, Esq.

"Metaphysics, mathematics, music, and philosophy," says Cleghorn, "have been called in to analyze, define, demonstrate, or generalize," Great critics, like Burke, Alison, and Stewart, have written interesting treatises on beauty and taste.

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(In Collier's) © Denis Percy Stewart Conan Doyle (C), Adrian M. Conan Doyle (C) & Lena Jean Annette Conan Doyle (C) Aug. 22, 1914 Issue.

2212 examples of  stewart  in sentences