2439 examples of stewed in sentences

fresh Raw 2-1/2 " " Roasted 3-1/4 " " Stewed 3-1/2 Parsnips Boiled 2-1/2 Pig Roasted 2-1/2 Pig's feet, soused Boiled 1 Pork, recently salted " 4-1/2 " Fried 4-1/4 "

Mabel offered him stewed tannic acid in the name of tea, and Ticknor suggested a chair, but he waved both offers aside and continued as if the picture before his mind and the words he was remembering might escape him if he took things easy.

We also stewed our tree-cranberries, (Viburnum opulus,) sweetening them with sugar.

An orderly brought us supper that nightmutton, bread and cheese, haricots, stewed fruit, and coffeeand we dined on a little table outside the tent, with the twilight turning to moonlight and the sheep-bells tinkling against the opposite hill.

He may be content, but whenever I saw him eating he had meat and rice, and often stewed fresh beans or fruitcertainly better food than most Turkish peasants or artisans are accustomed to at home.

We started at the top and tasted each: soup, mutton, stewed green beans, new-baked bread, stewed plums, and a particularly appetizing pilaf, made out of boiled whole wheat and raisins.

We started at the top and tasted each: soup, mutton, stewed green beans, new-baked bread, stewed plums, and a particularly appetizing pilaf, made out of boiled whole wheat and raisins.

Every day we had roast or stewed fowls, ducks, or geese, fresh mutton or pork, eggs variously prepared, plum-pudding and tarts; to all this were added side dishes of ham, rice, potatoes, and other vegetables; and for dessert, dried fruit, nuts, almonds, cheese, etc.

No water should be put in, but the trimmings of the mushrooms and tomatoes should be stewed in a little water, and this gravy may be added with a funnel after the pie is ready.

Eat with stewed prunes, figs, &c., or with butter or nut butteralmond cream butter is both delicious and wholesome.

If to be eaten with cream or stewed fruit, crisp for a few minutes in the oven.

As a mush it should be eaten with dry toast or triscuits and stewed fruit.

Stewed Celery.

Excellent with pudding or stewed fruit.

The Indian women received me with a great deal of kindness, and gave me a good supper of venison, corn bread, and stewed pumpkin.

We had an excellent dinner: tomato soup, penguin breast stewed as an entrée, roast beef, plum-pudding, and mince pies, asparagus, champagne, port and liqueursa festive menu.

Mizzle was prematurely baldbeing quite a young manand when questioned on the subject, he usually attributed it to the fact of his having been so long employed about the cooking coppers, that the excessive heat to which he was exposed had stewed all the hair off his head!

I had a teapotful yesterday morning that was as near a mixture of stewed herbs and Hunyadi water I ever hope to taste.

STEWED CORN PULP.Take six ears of green corn or enough to make a pint of raw pulp; with a sharp knife cut a thin shaving from each row of kernels or score each kernel, and with the back of the knife scrape out the pulp, taking care to leave the hulls on the cob.

An excellent pie may be made in this manner from apples, stewed carefully so as to keep the slices whole, sweetened to taste, and flavored with lemon, orange, or grated pineapple.

Stewed fresh apples, beaten smooth or rubbed through a colander, can be used if preferred.

DRIED APPLE PIE WITH RAISINS.Rub a quart of well-stewed dried apples through a colander, add a cupful of steamed raisins, sugar to sweeten, and bake with two crusts.

Canned peaches or stewed dried peaches may be used in place of the fresh ones.

Evaporated peaches, soaked over night and stewed carefully until tender, then removed from the syrup, which may be sweetened and boiled until thick and rich and afterward turned over the peaches, makes a delicious pie.

When done, add, just before serving, for each quart of the cream sauce, one cup of hot, stewed tomato which has been put through a fine colander to remove all seeds.

2439 examples of  stewed  in sentences