2439 examples of stews in sentences

The paper speaks of him as "our esteemed and talented townsman, Col. W.," and alludes to his "beautiful and accomplished wife," who, by the way, was formerly waiter in an oyster saloon, and won the Colonel's affection by the artless manner in which she would shout: "Two stews, plenty o' butter.

Law, I wish I had a dollar apiece fer all the eyester-stews I've et on this here table 'twixt sunset an' sunrise.

This sauce will be found an agreeable addition to gravies, hashes, stews, &c. Average cost, for this quantity, 1s.

In Italy, however, the green leaves and stems are also employed for stews and soups, and the seeds are also more frequently made use of on the continent than in our own islands.

For immediate use, the skins should be put into a wide-mouthed bottle with a little of the different ingredients, and they will be found very nice for hashes or stews.

When convenient, all kinds of stews, &c., should be cooked on a hot-plate, as the process is so much more gradual than on an open fire.

Save the gravy that flows from it, as it adds greatly to the flavour of hashes, stews, &c.

Here thrifty R hires monarchs by the day, And keeps his mercenary kings in pay; With deep-mouth'd actors fills the vacant scenes, And rakes the stews for goddesses and queens: 10 Here the lewd punk, with crowns and sceptres graced, Teaches her eyes a more majestic cast; And hungry monarchs with a numerous train Of suppliant slaves, like Sancho, starve and reign.

But even in winter, soups, vegetable stews, nut roasts, baked fruit pies, and boiled puddings can all be made the day before.

From the cook-wagons, modeled on the design of those carried by an American circus, came the heavy, meaty smells of stews boiling in enormous caldrons.

The atmosphere was laden with the ropy scents of the boiling stews and with the heavier smells of the soldiers' unwashed bodies and their sweating horses.

Meat, Meatose, Nutmeatose, and Nutvejo, &c., endorse the verdict of the best judges that there are no other Nut Meats equal to them for Roasts, Stews, Pies, Hashes, Sandwiches, Chops, Steaks, and Rissoles.

Makes splendid Sandwiches, Sausage Rolls, Savoury Roasts, and Irish Stews.

Scald with boiling water (or they may merely be rubbed in a clean coarse cloth), plunge into more boiling waterthe quantity proportioned to the purpose for which intended, soups, stews, &c.and simmer till just tender, but not broken down.

These "Meats" are all ready for use, and may be made up in any of the ordinary recipes for Stews, Pies, Sausage Rolls, &c. One dish which most people would like is Curried Nut Meat.

Therefore in populous cities public stews are tolerated.


Therefore in populous cities public stews are tolerated, n. 451.

In these the stews, put up in dry form and guaranteed to keep for twenty years, were being heated.

We had potatoes, onions, bits of bacon fat to add flavor, and a general thick residue from former stews at the bottom of the pot; with black bread broken up into it the result was most excellent, and it was followed by a stew of plums with sugar and a brew of strong tea with dried milk.

The house of prayer is stock'd with large increase; 1210 Nor doors nor windows can contain the press: For birds of every feather fill the abode; Even Atheists out of envy own a God: And, reeking from the stews, adulterers come, Like Goths and Vandals to demolish Rome.

Messer Biagio, the Pope's master of the ceremonies, remarked that such things were more fit for stews and taverns than a chapel.

The reserves were around their camp-fires making savoury stews for the evening meal.

It is not only excellent fried in slices with poached eggs or stewed with rice, but imparts a delicious flavor to stews, soups, and sauces, and is one of the most useful resources of the Jewish kitchen.

At 12 o'clock he lunches, and eats an abundance of hot stufffish, flesh and fowlfiery stews and other condolences for the stomach.

2439 examples of  stews  in sentences