80596 examples of stilling in sentences

She seemed to me to live in heaven, and heaven was in her and about her and all around her." "Only a tender love, Stilling the restless moan, Soothing the sufferer, Cheering the lone.

The fact that scores of nurses keep secret bottles of these deadly syrups, for the purpose of stilling their charges, is notorious; and that many use them to a fearful extent, is sufficiently patent to all.

It clung to the limbs of trees, making of each branch a thick white arm, stilling the pine-needles, binding them together in the sheath which forbade them to shiver and rustle.

The snow that had, clung to the pines, muting their needles and stilling their branches, had dropped on during the day.

It has not still assumed a virulent form but if these trials do not result in stilling the propaganda, it is highly likely that severe repression will be resorted to by the Government.

Then, without warning, an incredible thrill shot through her to the heart, stilling itsilencing pulse and breathnay, thought itself.

I was caught in a trap, and knew beside that contraband-men had a way of sealing prying eyes and stilling babbling tongues; and I remembered poor Cracky Jones found dead in the churchyard, and how men said he had met Blackbeard in the night.

The relater is Dr. Stilling, Counsellor at the Court of the Duke of Baden, in a work entitled 'Die Theorie der Geister-Kunde', printed in 1808.

Mr. Noble is a man of too much English good sense to have relied on Sung's ('alias' Dr. Stilling's) testimony, had he ever read the work in which this passage is found.

I am under special obligation to Sir Charles Dilke, Mr Oscar Browning, Professor Novati, Professor Corrado Ricci, Commandant Espérandieu, Professor Cumont, Professor Stilling and Mr Höchberg.

[Illustration: Christ Stilling the Tempest.]

And Miss Mimy always has a bottle of some new nostrum of her own stilling every time she sees any of us; we've got enough to swim a ship, on the top shelf of the pantry to-day, if it was all put together.

There is something almost ludicrous in a ghost talking the ordinary conversational language of every-day life, which might, to be sure, serve very well for some of Jung Stilling's spirits in bottle-green hunting-coats with brass buttons, but hardly for the majesty of buried Denmark.

You know you always had the art of stilling any person's trouble.

We find the same features in these stories as in those related by Jung Stilling and others.

But as the turbulence of a storm would be likely to cause its destruction, Nature had gifted him with the extraordinary power of stilling the motions of the winds and waves, during the period of incubation.

By Robert Hall Luther, Martin, The Method and Fruits of Justification MacArthur, Robert Stuart, ChristThe Question of the Centuries McKenzie, Alexander, The Royal Bounty Maclaren, Alexander, The Pattern of Service Macleod, Norman, The True Christian Ministry Magee, William Connor, The Miraculous Stilling of the Storm Man, God Calling to.

But for its salutary and stilling influence, it seemed to her that she must have forfeited all control over her mind.

He turned, stilling his breath a little as the hounds came near.

The silent love that here meets no returning, The inspiration, which no language finds? There is a land, where every pulse is thrilling, With rapture, earth's sojourners may not know, Where heaven's repose the weary heart is stilling, And peacefully earth's storm-tossed currents flow.

He merely writes in this place: 'A typical spiritualistic instance may be quoted from Jung-Stilling, who says that examples have come to his knowledge of sick persons who, longing to see absent friends, have fallen into a swoon, during which they have appeared to the distant objects of their affection.

' Jung-Stilling (though he wrote before modern 'Spiritualism' came in) is not a very valid authority; there is plenty of better evidence than his, but Mr. Tylor passes it by, merely remarking that 'modern Europe has kept closely enough to the lines of early philosophy.'

But facts do not cease to be facts because wrong interpretations have been put upon them by savages, by Jung-Stilling, or by anyone else.

Citing Stilling after Dale Owen, and quoting Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace's Scientific Aspect of the Supernatural, p. 43.

"MarionMarionMarion" He waited, stilling his own breath to catch the sound of a whisper.

80596 examples of  stilling  in sentences