11 examples of stimulatives in sentences

As vegetables eaten in a raw state are apt to ferment on the stomach, and as they have very little stimulative power upon that organ, they are usually dressed with some condiments, such as pepper, vinegar, salt, mustard, and oil.

That would entail the satisfaction not alone of the animal needs, but also the highest aspirations and therefore the provision of the finest conditions of life for the normal: those most favorable, stimulative, and assistant to creative activity.

It has been agreed to call the stimulative or activating portion the autonomic or drive system.

However, the stimulative and depressive effects of environment are even more significant.

That which is least stimulative to appetite, leaves the mind most free for foreign considerations.

Her virtue, her resistance, which are her merits, are my stimulatives.

Yet, underneath all lay an atmosphere of covert haughtiness, and, at times, even of audacious remorselessness, which, under stimulative circumstances, were to be feared.

But whatever was the opinion of his cooler moments, the poet's practice was dictated by the furious party-spirit of the times, and the no less keen stimulative of personal resentment.

" That theory, of course, was the doctrine of the perpetual flux of things as taught by Aristippus of Cyrene, making a man of the world's practical application of the old Heraclitean formula, his influence depending on this, "that in him an abstract doctrine, originally somewhat acrid, had fallen upon a rich and genial nature well fitted to transform it into a theory of practice of considerable stimulative power toward a fair life."

Later amendments have extended and improved the various features of the plan, which has served as a stimulative example to other countries.

Hence is he a fascinating personality, a stimulative force.

11 examples of  stimulatives  in sentences