325 examples of stinting in sentences

"You ain't had time, Harry, to ask yourself what becomes of the house allowance, with me stinting so.

The King's affairs no stinting hands require, And days prolonged still mock our fond desire.

He had expensive fantasies, which he was not in the habit of stinting.

"She's been stinting me for twenty-nine years and saving the moneymy money!money that I 'ave earned with the sweat of my brow.

"She's been stinting me for twenty-nine years and saving the moneymy money!money that I 'ave earned with the sweat of my brow.

The Victorian dietary is more varied and wholesome than the Elizabethan; but, as we have seen, it is less abundant and can be obtained for much less money, even if we grant that the 'savings price'purposely kept low to avoid all suggestion that the men are being bribed into stinting themselvesis less than the real cost.

Even supposing their scant wage was regular, it is questionable whether they would be justified in stinting the bodily necessities of their families by setting aside a portion which could not in the long run suffice to provide even a bare maintenance for old age or disablement.

That this has been accomplished without stinting the expenditures for all other proper objects will be seen by referring to the liberal provision made during the same period for the support and increase of our means of maritime and military defense, for internal improvements of a national character, for the removal and preservation of the Indians, and, lastly, for the gallant veterans of the Revolution.

Her earnings from this source were considerable; and, severely stinting herself in the very necessaries of life by a strained ingenuity of economy, to which the skimped delaineturned and altered to the utter exhaustion of the cleverest dressmaker's invention, and magically rejuvenated, as though again and again dipped in the fountain of perpetual youthbore conclusive testimony, she bravely reinforced her fund from time to time.

We're stinting ourselves on our own supplies now, and farther north the Company will soon be on famine rations if the cold doesn't let upand

Stinting wife, and bairns, and kye, to fat some courtier lord, Let them die o' rent wha like, mither, and I'll die by sword.

and to this end stinting himself, among other ways, to "a single glass of wine," etc., etc.

They drew without stint on the piety of after ages,a resource which has not unfrequently proved too feeble to realize their generous expectations.

He supplied them with funds, stinting himself in order to maintain them decently and to satisfy their wishes.

For a man habitually to stint his dependents in their food, is the extreme of meanness and cruelty, and the greatest evidence he can give of utter indifference to their comfort.

Only at the cost of painful stinting could she send him anything at all.

Always the greater part of the people of Paris lives precariously on the thin edge of a limited income, stinting and scraping, a sou here, a sou there, to balance the week's accounts and eke out a little of that joie de vivre, which to every Parisian is an essential need.

To multiply them with no stinting hand is the paramount question of the day in the department of construction.

The French peasant saves by stinting, and puts aside a franc by pinching both belly and back.

This cutting down, stinting, and economy everywhere has told upon the population of the village.

The interior of this vast island, and its inhabitants, are little known; but those parts on the coast which, at that time and afterwards, I have frequently visited, give abundant indications that nature has here scattered her riches with no stinting hand.

" "Why, you must have been stinting me for years," continued Mr. Vickers, examining the various costumes in detail.

" [Illustration:"'Why, you must have been stinting me for years,' continued Mr. Vickers."

First of all then we should consider the stinting and the season at which this should be accomplished, for as the season from the rising of the west wind to the vernal equinox (February-March) is considered best for swine, so that from the setting of Arcturus to the setting of Aquila (May-July) is best for sheep.

The most suitable time for stinting cows is during the forty days following the rising of the Dolphin, or even a little later, for thus they will drop their calves at the most temperate season of the year, for a cow goes ten months pregnant.

325 examples of  stinting  in sentences