6 examples of stockfish in sentences

One of these they catch in prodigious quantities in the great bays, which they call stockfish.

The stockfish are dried without being salted, in the sun and air; and, as they have little fat or moisture, they grow as dry as wood.

The people of this country carry on a considerable trade with these dried stockfish into Germany.

Some days before their departure, the intelligence of their being at Rostoe reached the wife of the governor over all these islands; and, her husband being absent, she sent her chaplain to Quirini with a present of sixty stockfish, three large flat loaves of rye-bread and a cake:

Flesh and blood he is like other men, but surely nature meant him stockfish.

The 23. of Iuly the wind was North North East and Northeast, and we held as near as we could East and East Southeast, the same day our steward found a barrell of stockfish in the roming, which if we had beene at home we would haue cast it on the dunghil, it stunke so filthily, and yet we eat it as sauerly as the best meat in the world.

6 examples of  stockfish  in sentences